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Why isn’t Evopsy “politically correct”?

Why isn’t Evopsy politically correctWhy isn’t Evopsy “politically correct”? Because this discipline offers a view of life in which people are not equal at birth. This seems obvious when I look around me in the street, but it apparently must not be said out loud. It is a taboo subject!

We hear since our childhood that we are all equal and unique. But do not forget that in the Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen (1789), men are born free and equal… certainly! But it’s about “rights.” In fact, everyone is not similarly armed for life, with the same genetic advantages. Besides, there is no human group where every members of the opposite sex arouse in us the same desire. Everyone is unique, OK, but the entire base is common… and since this is the basis of our ancestors primates, we also all are very similar and predictable. Why do you think the statistical services are capable of predicting the number of demonstrators, break-ins or traffic congestion if we all are as free and unpredictable than we like to think?

This science is also disturbing because it is not fun to understand that we are not free in front of our genetic inheritance. Our consciousness is only the tip of the iceberg: most of what goes on in our minds and in our bodies remain hidden from us. Saying it is not, however, being not politically not correct, it’s just being realistic. But many people naively think they 100% know and control themselves. Or, they just want to keep their illusions…

We regularly hear that what really matters is the inner beauty. It counts, certainly. But be aware that there is a common basis for all cultures: they value what they perceive as “beauty” and “healthy”. Almost no culture has ever valued what it considered as deformities. Moreover, beyond specific cultures ornaments, physical beauty always involves a certain symmetry of the face. You will not find a culture that values facial asymmetry. We will return course in detail about what makes a man (and a woman) beautiful in the eyes of the opposite sex. But what I am saying here is that this is apparently politically-incorrect to say that we are attracted to beauty. Because there are way more people who do not have these physical qualities (and/or do not cultivate them) than beautiful people, so the majority wins and imposes its dictates which however not always take our species up…

The counter-argument I hear most often is that these theories do not hold good for the simple reason that plump women were perceived as sexy one or two centuries ago whereas currently it is slim girls who are seen as sexy. Where from their conclusion : sexual attraction is not programmed.

Still, we must look further than the tip of your nose: the fat was valued when it was a sign of affluence and good health! Today, we know that too much fat is bad, so being thin is a sign of health and wealth because it proves we have the means to buy the right products and take care of us. Same for sunbathing: before that meant we were working in the fields like the poor, today it means we have enough money to go on holiday!

It is believed that advertisements convey unnatural images and encourage people to look like models. But the ideals of beauty are not arbitrary: they are indices of reproductive value of women. Although, I grant you, advertising abused and some women in these environments are still victims of the always-more: they order their from models to have no female form! They are sometimes retouched in the pictures but cadaveric on the catwalks (breasts, hips, buttocks are photoshopped!)

One could almost say that they are just act as hangers. But let’s go back to our demonstration.

Thus, the terms of the expression of our programming change, but the purpose remains the same: valuing what is perceived as signs of “good health” and “fertility”.

You have now understood the logic: a simple analysis would conclude that everything is relative. An advanced analysis would conclude to be aware of differences between the eras, to wonder what they express and to realize that the goals are the same throughout the history of mankind.

The ruthless logic of Evopsy is thus (fortunately or unfortunately) constant throughout the ages. It is also reluctant to admit that there is not altruism without selfish afterthought. But accept that we are not perfect, due to any cause. Darwin, for example, said “Our ancestors are the origin of our evil passions! The devil, in the guise of the baboon is our grandfather.”

Well, you will read a lot of things that bother in this book, but I have ensured their veracity and I quote my main sources at the end (so it is not redundant, the others I quote them incrementally).

You have the choice to prefer to live in the illusion of happiness given by ignorance or to open your eyes and understand the behavior of people around you. Nietzsche said by the way that there is a gulf between the truth and the life (The Birth of Tragedy)!

If you prefer the illusion, so I guess I will receive hateful mails. But you can deny the facts… sometimes you’ll take it on the chin and be disappointed by the behavior of others. If you read on the contrary, you’ll arm yourself for life in society in order to intelligently compete.

The two life strategies are respectable. You are very free to read me or not.

I am sincerely convinced that ignoring the contributions of Evopsy, because it does not please you and because it does not match the conditioning that society instills us, would be counterproductive.

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction

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Introduction to Evopsy

Introduction to EvopsyEvolutionary psychology (sometimes abbreviated Evopsy) is a current whose goal is to explain, from the theory of biological evolution, the mechanisms of human thought and behavior.

This discipline, located at the crossroads of biology, psychology, anthropology, social sciences and paleo-archeology, examines psychological traits in an evolutionary perspective.

It is based on the fundamental assumption that the brain (like other organs) is the product of evolution, and thus of an adaptation to environmental and social constraints that our ancestors faced.

Evolutionary psychology identifies and explains the human traits that are the product of natural selection. In this ebook, we will study in particular the general traits that result from sexual selection (defined below).

Evolutionary psychology insists that most of human evolution took place under circumstances that no longer exist (mainly during the prehistoric era) and that behavior and internal states that characterizes us today have in fact been selected to be adapted to a world that no longer exists: there is what researchers call a “mismatch” between this environment that gave rise to the evolutionary adaptation and the contemporary environment of the human species.

We owe this concept to Konrad Lorenz. He was, for example, the first to postulate that the pleasure to eat sugar and fat comes from the rarity of these energy resources in prehistoric environment. Today, however, these products are easily accessible and this “natural” inclination for sugar and fat can have deleterious consequences (such as to frustrate adaptation) in the current environment (obesity, diabetes). Yet we continue to be, we believe, “naturally” attracted to sugar. In fact, we have been programmed to like it. Just as we have been programmed to look for certain characteristics when it comes to our sexual partners. And as our brains are evolving much more slowly than our environment (unless it is our environment that is evolving faster than our brain), it is important to be aware of this.

In this book, we will discuss Evopsy in terms of seduction and will deduce the attitudes necessary to be more successful with women. We’ll find that the theories of the game are perfectly in this logic. This will also be an opportunity to rediscover the concept of “alpha male.” Finally, we will focus on many results of experiments that we (men) will help us to better understand ourselves and better understand women (and which will also help women to understand men, of course).

In fact, realizing that some of our lackluster behaviors are natural (in the sense of “biological legacies”) allows to enjoy life with more philosophy and to accept more easily (of course if you stay in limits set by law).

Of course we will avoid encouraging old macho clichés about gender differences. We will try to remain objective!

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction


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Understanding sexual strategies of both sexes

Understanding sexual strategies of both sexesThis ebook is a book about popularization of evolutionary psychology… applied to seduction.

The Evopsy (evolutionary psychology) is the study of the biological origin of our behavior and its inviolability. In other words, the principles discussed here will continue to show their validity for several centuries.

We will study the programming of men and women when it comes to their love/sexual choices and we’ll detail the universal preferences of men and women for certain characteristics.

We will also explain the behavior of men and women that we see every day (sometimes by judging it illogical) so that we can understand and accept everybody (ourselves and others). It’ll decomplex you!

Too many people believe that the opposite sex thinks the same way and search the same thing. But it’s wrong ! Men and women have evolved somewhat differently and it explains the differences of behavior and expression of social pressure, still today.

In fact, almost all our romantic behavior find an explanation when you know Evopsy. The day I discovered this discipline, I got passionate about it. And it played a big role in the fact that I became a Pick Up Artist. When you’ve got on what is based the game, you do not need to learn by heart anymore : you understand why and how.

It’s only by understanding why and how sexual strategies of both sexes are in place that we can decide the best of ours. By seeing the game of the opponent and by having all the cards, we can make better decisions to win the game. In other words, knowing the women’s (and men’s) selection criteria and introducing as the he (or she) who meets them is probably the most effective way to seduce. For a sexual partner or for a romantic partner, the levers that need to be activated come straight from prehistory!

All those who have questions about gender relations have a lot to learn from this discipline. So I will explain the concepts of the game (the underground science of seduction), basing myself on the results of experiments conducted by evolutionary psychology researchers.

For example, David Buss in 1997 conducted the following experiment:

He asked men to ask this question to unknown “Hello it’s been a few days I noticed you and I find you very attractive. Would you like to sleep with me ?”

The result ? You can imagine. Almost EVERY women answered “no” and some with indignation. Yet it was politely asked!

Then he asked women to ask this question to strangers: “Hello it’s been a few days I noticed you and I find you very attractive. Would you like to sleep with me ?”

The result ? 75% of men agreed. It probably won’t surprise you but you all the same wonder why it works like that in life. We will analyze, of  course, behind these diametrically opposed reactions, what gives the sexual power to women.

Another example ?

Terri Fisher, professor in the department of psychology at Ohio University, interviewed 293 people about their habits, including sexual ones. Some had to respond anonymously to a questionnaire, while others thought to be connected to a lie detector, which in reality was not working.

Respondents answered honestly to almost every question. But when it came to indicate the number of partners with whom they had sex, the results were different depending on the conditions under which those surveyed were asked.

When questioned and connected to what they thought was a lie detector, men reported fewer partners than others (those who were not connected to the fake detector) while the women admit more partners ! “Men and women have different responses about their sexual behavior when they should be honest,” concluded the researcher.

So when they answer anonymously, men tended to increase the number of their conquests, and women to lower this number. “There is something unique about sexuality that leads people to really worry about matching the stereotypes of their gender,” says Terri Fisher. “Sexuality seems to be the only subject that make people feel so worried,” says the professor.

Through this book, you will understand also why, when questioned, men tend to inflate the number of sexual partners they had and women to minimize it.

Besides, this book concerns men as well as women, and is therefore available to both sexes. I put a point of honor to give advice to both genders in this book. After all, what would we be without each other?

For a taste of the content, I invite you to browse the titles in the table of contents. Above all, I advise you to put aside your prejudices, to put aside your values and modesty, because what the follows can not only disturb politically correct people and sheep, but even people “well-mannered” people.

Extract from : Evopsy and Seduction

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How not looking like a weird guy?

How not looking like a weird guy

A weird guy, a weirdo in English, is anything but sexy. Well, me personally I’m weird sometimes but I still fuck a lot of chicks. Why ? This is because there are two types of “weirdos”. And it is against the bad type that I want to warn you today. Personally, I am certainly weird you but know my limits: I’m a good guy in fact, even I look very casual “I don’t give a fuck” and I assume that I want to make love to beautiful women.

Synonym of weirdo: worrying.

Just a few seconds of distraction are enough to be labeled “weirdo”… and then it is almost impossible to get back. The bad oddity is what scares a woman even before she spoke to a man. You’re less likely to move away from a woman for the same reasons. Although a really weird girl, would make me run away even if she is hot. Except if it is to get married, is it better a weird hottie or a balanced ugly? Again, arbitration and a compromise must be found.

In evolutionary psychology, we think that evolution has endowed women with a faculty to identify the men who will be a threat for them. To avoid physical, psychological pain and pregnancies to bear the child of an asshole. It is yet this same trend that makes a woman having difficulty saying “no” frankly to a man because she is too afraid he would get angry and hurt her. So they avoid, lie, etc. and it sometimes induces strange behavior in men.

That said, we can be a good guy but being labeled “weird”. Just like, chicks can bang guys who will beat them while for us it is obvious that they are bastards. It is a subjection notion, and it is not because she is a woman she’s always right.

What I mean is that you can be polite, clean, BUT shy and being relatively often thought of a weird guy by chicks. It is not really related. Some are tattooed, have dirty hair and are unshaven but still fuck four chicks per month while others wear suits, always prim and yet inspire women a shiver of distrust, disgust and fear.

Introverts men are the main victims of this negative discrimination. They seem disturbing because they make women feel uncomfortable (especially by being themselves uncomfortable since it is contagious). And it is only in the movies that women give the benefit of doubt. In reality, they rather say things like, “yeah’re surely a great guy, you will find a lot of girlfriends” … but not her, of course, do not dream!

What is weird and what is not, it is still quite objective and we have the right to be a damn weirdo if we want. After all, who makes the rules? If you are weird and fuck enough, after all, who cares ? However, for your information, here’s weird behaviors (non-exhaustive list):
– A fascination with violence, blood, weapons;
– A passion for hurting animals;
– Video games (especially violent);
– Heroic fantasy (except Game of Thrones) and other big geek stuff;
– Waiting fifteen minutes while staring at a chick before daring to approach her with an indirect excuse;
– Being needy, calling her or talking to her all the time on the Facebook chat, especially if she does not answer;
– Behaving like a guy in a couple when you just saw her a few times;
– Not knowing the line between persistence-that-can-pay and sociopathic behavior;
– Asking too many personal questions to the point she will wonder if you’ll sell that information to a hacker;
– An excessive and unhealthy politeness, apologizing all the time, hide too much your intentions;
– Etc.

A guy REALLY becomes alarming:
– When he seems trying to hide shameful thoughts and intentions ;
– When he so insistent that we do not even know if he speaks French and understands the word “no.”

So this is why girls avoid being alone with this kind of characters. They are too afraid of being raped, sequester and cut into pieces. Although, again, this is not necessarily the guys who look the most weird who are in fact.

So rather let’s see how to create a positive atmosphere of trust:
– Having friends of both sexes;
– Making social activities;
– Facing the person to whom we speak;
– Looking enough in the eyes (without thinking we are the snake in The Jungle Book;
– Being honest by assuming our intentions, but not TOO directly;
– Not take yourself seriously nor taking life in general too seriously;
– Having a little humor, second degree;
– Knowing how to smile;
– Learning self-talk (we more trust people who reveal A LITLE BIT about them);
– Asking questions, being interested in the other, but not in an “interview” mode;
– Letting the girls live, respecting their personal space, do not stifle them;
– Never harass a girl;
– Do not wear too badly, have a nice haircut ;
– Talk A LITTLE about your emotions (in a non-violent communication mode);
– Etc.

The woman should be in a climate of relative confidence to feel in a sexual mood. I believe that hard as rock. Like a 10 year old child believes in Santa.

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Why would you need me to teach you seduction ?

Why would you need me to teach you seduction Why do you need me as dating coach ?

The study of evolutionary psychology shows us that competition is the foundation of our sexual life. For example, it is enough to show attractive naked pics to one member of the couple so that the assessment of the partner decrease, and at any age.

In fact, the aim of human genetics is twofold: to ensure its own success and prohibit the success of the others. This is why some Harems had more than 10,000 women, much more than what is possible for a prince to fertilize (the record is 888). Basically, these women were just forbidden to other men. WE THUS UNDERSTAND WHY OUR ELITES DEDICATE ENORMOUS ENERGY TODAY TO TRY TO IMPOSE TO OTHERS AN EXTREMELY STRICT SEXUAL MORALITY. This is pure and simple manipulation to castrate us and most people who are formatted are happy to fall into the trap. If we can predict pretty much the number of burglaries each year (for example), it is powerful, but it mostly means that our freedom does not really exist (neither individual nor collective ). I understand that you may have trouble digesting it, this is why my blog has way more success with student in psychology who already know it all and therefore have less trouble digesting it.

Reason n°1 why you need me : because someone who has said fuck off to the social pressure and who slept with enough women to don’t care about competition is the only profile of coach who can give you sincere and effective seduction lessons… without hiding anything. In fact, most general dating sites I have visited so far give enough to men who visit them for teasing them and making them buy products but never enough so they can become really dangerous and compete.

Lambda men make a distinction between women with whom they would like to have an affair (whores) and those with whom they would like to stay (Madonna). But it’s bullshit: it is easy to demonstrate that Madonna women ask for more money and are often less attractive. The woman who wants to get the greatest success in seduction will have to carefully positioning BETWEEN these two extremes. Well, as always, it depends on the context of what men and women look for and especially the appearance of the woman. EH YES, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ARE OFTEN LESS PAIN IN THE ASS (they have less “things to prove (to themselves)”). And so, it bothers all the other women…

You should know that the behavior of lovers oscillates like the moon and is unpredictable as the weather. A woman you met at a time of her life will not necessarily have the same sexual attitude than this same woman two years later. However, a rule has emerged : The most confident men and women turn to more frivolous strategies than the others… who look for long-term commitment. The most beautiful women would be the easiest too! So what? What the others will try to do ? Paralyzing them of course so they can do well with men.

Indeed, women find it easier to denigrate them (especially the pretty and free ones), and denigrate the guys who reflect on this fucking social pressure, rather than questioning, acting and taking advantage of the situation that is to say seduce genes they desire.

Then, just a few women in positions of leading media propagate the concept of inner beauty and it grows at a larger scale, thereby guiltying men for being attracted to beautiful women. Another huge propaganda : feminine values. Women would all by default have to be considered as sweet, loving, non-aggressive and men as louts who love war, kill, rape and lack of sensitivity in general. Where from the “immaturity of the 50 year old man who marries a younger girl”. He just follows, however, his genetic programming: it has been proven that women seek for older husbands, more stable, with more resources … which is quite the tastes of men who want younger women, more beautiful, more fertile. But from their part, during their fertile periods, women will chase lovers and confess more fantasies about a sexual partner other than the official husband (but they will favor their husbands during infertility) . Women and men it’s just a little the same thing but it is important to do not say it. Shit!

Edouard Servan-Schreiber studied the case of spotted hyenas, absolute matriarchal society in which the females are leagued to dominate males. It’s a little bit what American feminists did: their extremism has allowed them to become one of the most powerful lobbies. Their successes are impressive: they got the right to ask in total impunity castration of men, claiming their death or insulting them the way they want, while the slightest criticism from a man on a woman has to be sentenced as sexism. But the woman does not have the freedom of the female hyena about the baby, the situation is thus not reproducible and it has also been proven that most of the figures and arguments femistats were fake and cheated. However, the society has put a step into this logic and we are up to a disaster! Except that it is not politically correct to say the truth… To illustrate, because of the new social grants given to mothers: some feminists believe the man is now totally useless. So what? It is apparently politically correct to say that…

How hard feminists could they marry and pass on their genes (while keeping their power) if other women accept these biological and natural conditions they are fighting? It is thus observed that many of the more convinced feminists are alone, unhappy and frustrated even though women with the highest social success affirm not being feminists anymore. I’ll not say that feminist are badly fucked cunts but if we talk so much about sex and try at the same time to make it all taboo, it’s precisely because the topic is fascinating. Important detail: almost all women who discover evopsy theories immediately recognize the validity for almost all other women but not for them, for sure! It is the need of difference: how else convincing a man to remain faithful if she is like the others?

Reason n°2 why you need me: because women are in a difficult situation and give you bad advice. Sorry, but if you want to become a really attractive man, you cannot listen to their advice because it is not their interest to give you good ones. Moreover, I wonder if they are always aware of what they are programmed to love. It would be necessary to burn all those shitty women’s magazines and send them on my blog to wake them up !!! Oh, I’m a freak for saying that! But it annoys me when, for example, we take a beautiful girl together with Padawan, she leaves my place with stars in the eyes, then she tells it to her friends who then make her feel guilty until making her regret. It shows that these girls make the others feel guilty because themselves are guilty or frustrated ’cause they can’t do it (or rather do not dare). In the intelligencia of our evolved societies, a woman thinks of depreciating every time she has a new lover, but well she is not  forced to claim it out loud, and the bad fucks are not awesome either. In brief, they can say what they want, she is the only one who knows what actually excited her and what she will always remember (while the others probably watched TV during this time).

Finally, if men and women do not always seem made to make each other happy, we can at least consider that they are both very well equipped to exploit each other. No one has a definitive advantage over the other: feminist and chauvinist extremists are sent back-to-back, losers. The second key point is the relative simplicity of the rules: some obvious objectives (pass on the best genes) and some environmental variables are enough to determine an infinite number of attitudes and behaviors. We can compare evopsy and Newtonian mechanics in which simple mathematical equations explain complex movements. There is no need to use complicated concepts such as the image of the father or internal conflicts to understand and predict the behavior of the childless woman approaching menopause, just like the one of 50 years old man who will divorce and rebuild a new family with a wife who could be his daughter. Yet men and women are struggling to intellectualize the fact that we do not seek the same thing in the other. Basically, the beauty of a woman is the power of a man (which includes alphaness in the strict sense but also money and social status, etc.) Then, if a woman whose instinct in not made for today’s society is unable to recognize an alpha when she sees one, it is a serious problem but for her (it is also part of the hiring test). Or when a girl is under our charm but does fuss and wants us to pray her and give her good reasons to assume her attraction, it is clear that she wants to be sure that we are not a sex-starved and that we really like HER for what she is … but if all this comedy lasts too long and she blackmails with shit, she must be put in the fridge (freeze out: losing interest in her for example do not answering to her last text message if it is a shit and expecting her to do better and realize how much she is interested) a moment to remind her that she needs the alpha male too, if she does not want to end up with a loser. Because yeah, in fact, there’s more cute chicks like her out there than real alpha increasing in power.


Who am I to claim I can give you good advice?

How could I have the audacity to write a series of articles about seduction (I want to make an ebook with all of them for an easy reading (which I intend to call The Book Of Personal Development Which Will Kick Your Ass, second degree humour always)) ? And how can I hope that you take me seriously and that you will take time to read me?

Find out the first article HERE then you can click on NEXT at the end of the page.

There are more than five years now, I landed in the community of seduction and I discovered the different theories, the different schools… all American, of course. I devoured everything I could find about seduction: it is a subject that fascinates me. I was completely lost because of this mass of information. When I think again about those years, I’m scared to see how much I needed retrospect. If only someone had put me a blog like Diary in my hands… I would have saved a lot of time and energy… and money! I’m not really modest in this paragraph, but at the same time this is the goal I set myself at the start (not to not be modest, but to be sincere, coherent and comprehensive).

We would be tempted to think that all the universities strive to provide, through their education, people to feed one of the most basic needs of the world? I’m talking about one of our physiological needs, the need at the base of the pyramid of Maslow : sexual satisfaction (Maslow identified five broad categories of needs and considers that a man can move on to a higher need only when the need at the immediately lower level is satisfied.). Well! If there is one practical and sensible class like that in one university, it has yet escaped my investigations.

A survey by the University of Chicago that lasted over 2 years revealed that health is the main concern of men. Then what interests them most is their relationships with others: how to understand and get along with them, gain their sympathy, to seduce and influence them. And it is precisely about all this that I speak so you should assume to read it, because I just showed you that it is a NORMAL concern. Do not listen to those who try to take you down and show them that YOU you think by yourself: for example, liking my FB page is sending a positive message to the whole castrating society.

I found out that the results increase when you find what works FOR YOU. The results are even increasing so much, that while having a full-time job in finance, I can find without problem on average 4 new lovers per month (although this is not a race nor an end in itself for a balanced guy). For comparison, the most famous coaches in America can do about 9 per months, but they do it all day long. Of course here we do not consider everything like libertine clubs and everything, we really talk about the women met in “everyday” life. This means that once you have found a good method, the only factor that determines the magnitude of the results, is the time invested in the seduction “on the ground”.

So I decided to make my contribution to this majestic edifice that is the international community of the seduction, by providing a comprehensive and rational blog that lists what actually works (tested and approved in France) and zap all the crap we are trying to sell you on blogs run by guys actually half virgins. It will thus help “normal” people (teenagers and adults) to flourish in private. I researched a lot throughout my apprenticeship. This is what allows me to offer you the best, no frills (I’m repeating myself but this is important: it will make you save a lot of time and money since you do not waste it with useless stuff).

I therefore propose a rational, practical handbook easily and immediately applicable. It was not “written” in the usual sense. It has evolved. It has developed and grown through all the people I’ve coached and all the girls I slept with (and those with whom I failed). The principles are not just theories or assumptions. They produce immediate results, almost magical. Incredible as it may seem, I have seen many lives transformed by their application. The sole purpose of this blog is to help you to highlight, develop and make the most of the many powers that lie dormant in all of us (if possible in a positive way).

You‘ll benefit from my extensive research, my outspokenness and my experience of PUA and coach on the field. If after reading my work on seduction, you do not feel better equipped, so I would admit that my work is, in your case, a failure. But I don’t think so. Well, the ultimate goal of education is not knowledge but action…. So, action!

Let’s go !


To get the maximum benefit from my work, you need :

1) The deep and overwhelming desire to learn more, you want to learn… Imagine the happiest life you want to live, especially with women, applying these tips in life. Repeat to yourself “my happiness, my success, my reputation depends largely on the talent that I could deploy in my relationships with my peers.”

2) To start by quickly read each book to take a comprehensive view. Then read each book twice, unless you read just to have fun. If you really want to know how to act effectively with women, then go back and read again each book carefully. Thus you will save time, and in the end, get good results quickly. Frequently stop and think about what you just read and see how you can apply the different principles. Tick, underline or highlight the advice you intend to use: a printed and annotated book is revised much more easily and quickly.

3) To remember that it is only by keeping in mind the principles of seduction that you will come to apply them automatically and effortlessly, to make it your second nature. You must carefully study and revise regularly.

4) To learn, to be active and not passive. It is by putting a lot in something than we become better. To understand these principles, make use of them, apply them whenever the opportunity appears. Prepare a new rule of life: otherwise if once you are in a bad mood or anything, you would lose your good habits. It will take time and perseverance, but it’s worth it, trust me. When you stand in front of a particular problem, do not get upset, this is counterproductive. Rather search in my work and you’ll find the answer. To be more motivated, you must have invested in ebooks. Buying (not hacking) is an important condition to make your personal development very effective. And I know something because I’ve been there.

The act of paying is part of the specific approach to take charge. It is positioned in a personal desire to change that is to say, to change things FOR you and BY yourself. This sense of responsibility is a real act of independence and founder of a process of investment and motivation, even if the steps are not necessarily identified in the first place. (Source : CIGAP)

5) Check every month the progress you make. Ask yourself what mistakes you made, what progress you made, what lessons you learned, etc.


My goal is to teach you how to:
– Welcome new thoughts, new desires, new perspectives;
– Optimize your physical appearance;
– Enhance your personality;
– Be able to quickly attract lovers or girlfriends;
– Understand women and give them a lot of fun;
– Make yourself be more appreciated in all areas;
– Be able to create a powerful sexual aura;
– Expand your influence over others, your well-being;
– Develop your speaking skills, and communication and persuasion;
– Get a better idea of what is called “the game”;
– Have charm, charisma, and how to use it;
– Disassociate alcohol & pickup, improve your lifestyle in general and become more demanding;
– Understand and handle the typical reactions of women in front of a sexual guy, the shit tests;
– Be used to… and take advantage… of the contradictions of babes … (example: those who want to meet guys (officially “people”) to feed their needs of women (officially “just to spend the time because a friend forced me”).
– Appear much in the eyes of others, as a challenging alpha and not as a needy.

Here’s my training plan at the present time :

The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations , this is my ebook that complements this series of articles. Indeed, having the knowledge and the attitude of an alpha that I have teached you and the mindset and Mojo given by this book, you can easily be twice more successful than before. This is a simplified view of the Game that works: I even fuckclosed until 5 girls in one week with (and two threesomes in a weekend and an open relationship which is becoming more serious with a pretty girl that I like very much). And all this without headache!

How to sublimate your body language, this is my ebook a little wiser but still relevant that complements everything we saw about “how to look like an alpha and deeply become one step by step. “There are many other topics that I fully intend to develop into ebooks as frank, clear, accurate, concise and effective as what I try to do with my blog: sexy humor, evolutionary psychology , interpersonal communication with women, flirting on the Internet, how to make love way better than average guys, etc. Moreover, subscribe to my newsletter if you want to be kept abreast of my news!

Diary of a French PUA makes you spend a year of pickup on the field with me. Maybe I’ll write the continuation and I do not lose hope of continually improve my knowledge and mastery of the game… but this ebook is already really full and itself raises most of the questions you can ask yourself on your field.

My other ebooks like Ne Me Lis Pas that will make you realize that the people who inhabit the Earth are not all very smart. So therefore that girls are not always right on the pretext that they are girls: there also are stupid ones just like for guys. Une histoire de Cyprine also discusses the problems of society related to the sexuality of each sex.

I intend to translate some Ross Jeffries, Cajun and the Game Accelerator to give you more points of view. These authors are American very high level PUA who may not have quite the same vision than me and are very interesting. Just for our own culture of the Game, I have to do these translations.

I do not do all this for the money (luckily for me LOL) or recognition (I even take it on the chin more often), but you do realize that this is a huge personal investment. So I do not lose my motivation and everything, knowing that most guys (because of their genetic programming) will not share the URL of my blog with their friends (fear of competition, ego that says they must guess everything alone and owe nothing to anyone, etc.) and will never buy anything here, be aware that every time you offer to yourself one of my ebooks… not only you give yourself the tools to succeed more quickly but beyond the fact of buying one of my books, you help me manage the whole blog (and it’s not because others are fucking stingy who enjoy the work of others but never reciprocate that you need to do the same: I hope I have given you the will to think by yourself and so to see what is the interest of everyone). I am not talking about girls, but it is obvious that in some of my books they would learn more about men they want to seduce than they would find in all those fucking women’s magazines – that stuff fill up their skulls with bullshit (in good faith maybe even if I still think that they voluntary make fun of them). In short, all that is way more shocking when you see videos like Norman (who would be hung high and short if the lack of manhood and the fact of being uninteresting were punished by law) are viral and he fucks us and earns 8000 € per month and has become a model and a symbol of success thanks to the people flock. In other words, you are free to do as you want but if you want to help me continue the fight for our manhood, this is the page with my products.


When you will have done my training course :

It would be pointless to list all the scenarios that can occur with women: you are now imbued with the right mindset and react naturally without much thought in all situations… Above all, avoid regrets and remorse! Important: I‘m not talking about what I’m not sure so you can trust everything you read on my blog

You have all the cards in hand to achieve a meteoric rise. I did sort through all the things I know to give you immediate and effective progressionwithout wasting time. The content is comprehensive but simple, clear, concise. By reading me, you learn more about seduction than your competitors and than the girls themselves … so go for it on the field! Get started with girls you already know, socialize online, approach in the street or in a club. Direct, indirect, groups, girls alone, etc. Have fun because seduction is a game and DARE!

Congratulations, you have become independent of dubious advice, confused and sometimes contradictory given by many blogs that claim to teach you how to seduce! The sad truth is that they do unfortunately have no interest in making you game better : they just want to shine but do not actually seek to liberate their readers from their chains… so that they come back visiting their sites to bring them money (in exchange for hope). You have understood now : they are into manipulation and not into sincerity and do not actually want to help others (I even suspect they deeply hate or at least feel smarter than their readers)! By the way, if my blog is not very famous it is not a coincidence because that is a good thing for all the profiteers, but fortunately the fate led you to me and you stayed, it is certainly not a coincidence either.

Finally, remember that in your interactions with women, you are the most important and you do not care about them in fact (except for your future wife, your sister and your mother). You do not care at least as long as they do not demonstrate that they deserve you. Do not do bad things around you and respect them all (even if they are sometimes pain in the ass) so try to be always in a good mood and fair-play! In all cases, it is better to make friends than enemies (or at least do not make enemies for bullshit)…

You now know how to act in any situation with women … because you understand what is the mindset underlying the success with the opposite sex. Congratulations, you have acquired the wisdom of human relationships! Understanding human relationships is something fascinating in my opinion … and I hope having given you a part of my passion.

See you soon on blog,

Your coach expert in men/women relationships and friend,


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How to handle your couple-relationship (and the possible break-up)

How to handle your couple-relationship (and the possible break-up)Advises to make a success of a relationship

You have to keep your dominance: reward the good behavior and punish the bad one. For example: by giving her or by removing your attention. Clarify the limits and do not tolerate the bad behavior, it will stop if you are strong.

You must be strong about your limits because you are free to leave at any time. Do not quarrel with her, do not offend her. Do nothing, wait that the storm passes and then start again just like that.


Imagine that you are there to offer her a protection: open doors in a dominant way or walk on the road side, on the pavement. Respect yourself and she will also respect you. Do not explain nor justify yourself all the time. The women love chasing us, thus let them run, that makes them go in for sport! 😉

The responsibility of the virile man it is the sex and not the everyday life relationship! That, it’s more a girl’s thing! Relax, she is going to do the job for you. It is her who calls you most of the time to see you. Do not call her too often. She has to believe that she is more attracted by you than you by her. Do not see her every time you can see her. But she must know that you appreciate her all the same “I like you”. She thinks she puts a lot more than you in the relation and is rewarded by you for her efforts!

Surprise her with little presents (cheap = you remain a challenge) like the CD of a group she likes because you listen carefully what she says. Do not let the relation become too predictable, it would be the best way of killing it. Offer flowers by surprise! Invite her without reason in a secret place.

You accelerate the process of making her fall in love with you by evoking “the fate which led to you to her”. She must be able to live her dreams through you.

Be confident and dominant. Give her positive emotion. Have frequent and good sexual relations. She needs more you than you need her, because you are the best lover of her life. Do not put into words the idea of breaking (never), even negatively (the brain doesn’t know the negation).

Be stable, strong. Be even-tempered. Be in control over on the emotional level, never upset. The woman is relaxed because you take control and decisions. Anyway, if she does not agree, she will let you know, don’t worry about that, and thus you will choose something else. Take the initiative. If she has to take a decision: give her the choice between two or three options.


If a woman feels a negative emotion for you, she can lose all the attraction which she had felt until now. It is thus necessary to react correctly! Do not give up to her whims, have your own opinion and your own personality. You are not a dog, right? Then keep your alpha frame. Being a man is an immense responsibility, you are the cornerstone of her life. You must be emotionally strong as a rock. Find a balance between the jerk who slumbers in you and the guy too needy who does not understand why he has a such amazing darling like her so that your relation has a chance of survival. Do not lie, it would be disrespectful. Prefer telling her the truth and not granting it too much importance, she will do the same and then that’s it.

Apologize if you screwed up. Knowing how to put aside your ego when it is necessary is a dominant alpha attitude. On the other hand, apologizing all the time is an attitude of submitted beta male. Say that you are sorry, say exactly why you screwed up and how you plan to correct it in the future. When the girl accepts your excuses (accept that she says that it’s fine) reward her (take her in your arms, and tell her that she is important for you). Then, do not talk any more about the quarrel.

With you, she has to have a feeling of safety, security and intimacy, thus avoid getting angry or snivelling (what a shame) because it demonstrates some insecurity. A trick to avoid losing your cool: control yourself and think of something else. Avoid being in a bad mood, it is an obvious fact that we have more success when we are joyful and relaxed. If she starts a quarrel, then go out and ignore it. If it really disturbs you, it is because you let her affect your reality (in the wrong way). Show that you do not find it serious! It should be noted that sometimes, the women sublimate their sexual desires by provoking quarrels. Do you enjoy becoming reconciled on the pillow?

Do not leave the principle that you have to pay for her for everything nor that they are the weaker and fragile sex. Psychologically, she has to pay enough to feel involved in your relation. Trick: give her some money and ask her to go to pay because when you pay, it is simply because you have a generous nature : you wait for nothing in return.

When you are in a relation, continue to take care of yourself! Avoid problems of alcohol, drug, unemployment …

Saying “I love you” too early is an error (psychological anchoring). It is necessary to say it when we know in 110 % that she feels the same thing, and of course when we are sure that it is the truth and not a finally filled lack of affection. Trick : if we still ask ourselves the question, it is because it is not good. Tell her that “you like her”, it is without risk and you do not put the pressure on her, you should not put her under pressure!

If she uses a lousy excuse to break up, do not take it personally, it is just that you do not attract her anymore: it’s like if SHE became obese. Thus accept your responsibility for what went wrong, and learn to do better the next time on the other hand, if it went well, accept laurels!

From time to time, do not forget to maintain the desire by telling her that you find her body very sexy with your small megasexy half-smile and your naughty eyes. To receive more, give more. Give without caring of what you have already given.

Do not make your girlfriend do something unwillingly, she would lose her affection for you: do not be aggressive.


Think in terms of punishment and reward, no blackmail. Do not ask to the common friends to choose: staying friend with somebody does not have to depend on others. Keep in mind that your ex is valuable people because you made out with. On the other hand, being appreciated by friends and family FIRST is a technique which will push her in your arms THEN.

Tell her that you date her exclusively, only if she asks for it and does the same thing (logic).

Your girlfriend does what she wants with her life, do not thus try to control her but have fun when you are with her.

Do not fully dedicate yourself to your girlfriend, you have other centers of interests which allow you to stand back and to appreciate all the more your darling.


Advise for a successful breakup

There is no reason for avoiding your ex or for ignoring her : you are cool and pleasant!

If she considers you as a loser, that is going to be difficult to make adjustment! Already that making a good first impression is difficult then rectifying a bad relationship is very hard… However, if you were her kind submitted and not exciting doggie and that you changed a lot, she can feel it. If it evolves in the right direction, continue what works!

Apparently, the women react better if they think that you abandoned left during your previous relation and that you turned over a new leaf at the moment (rather than the opposite) on condition that you do not specially talk anymore about your ex.

You can sleep with your ex: indeed, when a woman slept with a man, she thinks that it does not count if she goes back to bed with him… but be convinced that there are heaps of women somewhere else who are beautiful and who will know how to take care of you too and why not better than her!

Last point, it is very difficult to remain just “friend” with an ex. In any case, never do the things that she does with her “friends” and “the gays” like waiting for her at the hairdresser’s or the shopping.

What the evolutionary psychology teaches us about the break-up ?

This is about protecting yourself from retaliation of the opponent. First there is the risk of being killed or injured by jealousy, yourself or the new person you have chosen. Then there is the legal risks: the abandoned woman can obtain large amounts from the courts, so putting the man in a delicate situation with his new girlfriend, whom he can sometimes not provide sufficient resources. He should also worry about what will become the children already born: if the woman remarries, they have a higher risk of being killed or abused by their stepfather. Finally, we can mention reputational risks: some secrets or inventions can have devastating effects. It seems that this is the man who has most to fear from a break-up : apart from the initial risk of violence and murder, rare in educated circles, the woman does not have to fear retaliation extended, man being far less rancorous and quickly find ways to move forward. This does not mean that a woman can break up without any risk, she will also gain to be cautious, but the frivolity of the man provides her a natural protection which he does not have and in addition, the law (at least in France) is to her advantage. Learning how to break smoothly, that is to say without suffering retaliation thereafter is a necessity: a mistake at this level can challenge any optimization promised by the change of partner.

It is found that the most dangerous person in a rupture is not necessarily the one who has objectively lost the most, but the one who believes it. A woman may very well have earn a lot in alimony and other aid and yet continue to claim. Similarly, a man can continue to be jealous of the new companions of his ex-wife, and can be dangerous against them, even if he found another woman. It is rare that a break-up is going really well and it is much more common that each one account to the extent of the pride how much he or she lost because of the other. Whoever believe being the loser of the story, whatever the objective reality is, is the most dangerous. This distinction between reality and feeling is essential to understand how to break smoothly. The husband who goes away and whose wife feels humiliated will not win anything if he gives her more money or other things : all these generous attitudes act at the level of the reality, not on the feelings and are totally useless. Many divorce cases show us men who have almost left everything to their wives at the outset of the proceedings and woman continues to sue them forever. The man who thinks buying the pride of his wife is wrong and often pays it dearly.

The only effective way is to act on the feeling. Since the risk is high that someone of the couple feels like losing a lot more than the other during the break-up and establish retaliation, the only solution is that this person is not the other one. The man who has managed to make his wife believe that it was her who left him and that he will lose a lot, not only severely limit the risk of retaliation but perhaps may even benefit from her support later because she will try to stop feeling guilty. Similarly, the woman who will be left before leaving with her lover avoid any fit of jealousy, and maybe get a useful help from her husband. The goal is simple: to do not to suffer of a rupture, the only solution is to make the other believe he or she initiated it.

It is relatively easy for a man to be left by his wife: it is enough to observe all what his wife expects from him and to be systematically heartbreaking on each of these criteria. If the woman has chosen him for his resources or professional future, it will be enough to express concern about his future financial situation, or to show lack of ambition so that she can calls into question her commitment and looks around her the opportunities that present themselves to her. If she wanted him for his macho, distant, cold side, it’s enough for him to cling to his wife, to make her feel all the weight of his love, so she soon leaves and goes elsewhere to get some fresh air. He will have to obviously be careful not to wake up the possible side “nurse” of his wife.

This kind of attitude is extremely effective and it is not certain that it is always conscious. One could even imagine that some depressions, real, are only due to the unconscious brain choice to exactly fill the conditions necessary for the woman to leave. After that, the man will of course complain of being abandoned but in reality he will fully achieved his unspoken objective: Breaking without swirls. For a woman, the right strategy is rather to become the shrew who is hated by the family and close friends of her husband (consciously or not).

It would be ideal that the breakup is going well, without all that shit and all of these manipulations, that everyone honestly notice the couple’s situation and that the decision of rupture is common. The French law btw recognizes this possibility for divorce. However, do not dream too much. Intellectual discussion which could decide the two members for the full shared agreement separation way may not be in phase with each unconscious desires. This is not because everyone will accept this separation on the paper that he or she will not feel like losing too much and seek for revenge.

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What we need to communicate to seduce

The narrow link between evolutionary psychology and the community of the seduction could be the object of a whole blog. But it is underlying in all the articles of this site. I thus will, for now, content with summarizing, with putting bases, what we necessarily need to understand the game.

The genes are selfish: they try to survive (reproduce) and it is them who act directly on what attracts us or not. The men as the women look for “good breeders” but the rules of selection are different according to the individuals. These rules dating the Stone Age, are always in action, but are thus not adapted anymore very well to the current civilized world. There are bugs : It is what makes that we sometimes end in aberrations like these hot nighters who would cut themselves an arm to bang the waiter stupid, ugly and full of drugs in the trendy club.

Psychology and communication > Physical appearance

The studies showed that approximately only 7% of what we communicate is communicated by our words. The rest of the message is passed on at an unconscious level by our physical language (55 %) and the intonation of our voice (38 %). By working on our physical language, we can thus act on the primitive instinct of the girl… and we can excite her sexually in spite of a physical appearance which would not necessarily have interested her at first sight.

As animals, human beings use primitive languages which seem imperceptible at first sight, at least for non-initiated. If the reflection farther grows, that is why there are customs appropriate to certain social classes: they are signs of recognition… and everybody can imitate them by putting willingness in it.

Of course, what we are going to try to communicate, it is the fact of being a “good breeder”. That we have “good genes”. One of the keys of the game is learning to do that.

The message

Biologically and unconsciously, the women try to couple with a male who has the best genes for them (and/or the best resources). They thus sort out as quickly as possible among the weaklings, those with whom they will have a purely friendly relation and the serious candidates for a sexual relation. It is natural : so it is useless to be mad at them for that… A man who has the good attitudes becomes as attractive for them as a girl who is a pure hottie would be attractive for us.

Thanks to a study of the evolutionary psychology, we can learn how to reproduce the attractive attitudes and how to avoid those which inform that we are not an interesting candidate.

The message which it is necessary to transmit by the physical language and the intonation of the voice is “it is me the alpha male, it is me who order and who choose you or not”. No matter what we say verbally, we try to act on the instinct of the girl (but do not neglect for all that the choice of your words). It allows to create some attraction at an unconscious level.

This way, we all have a potential because pleasing the girls is more a matter of psychology than of physical appearance. The culture and the society blur their instinct (long life to Walt Disney…) so the girls maybe do not even know what consciously really pleases them in fact.

The main difference

The millions of years of evolution which made our ancestors reproduce are still anchored in us (genetic memory) : The men have to reproduce as much as possible to be sure to assure their descent. That’s why males often have an instinct of polygamist. However, the girls because of the long period of gestation have no right to make mistakes, otherwise they pay it during nine months. They thus have to accurately and instinctively choose a good breeder. It is one of reasons which make that it is not logically easier to try to pick up an ugly not frustrated one! Ugly or not, she works in instinct and will even more try to compensate her physical appearances complex by looking for a beautiful guy. Furthermore, admitting that we are ugly is always very difficult and they prefer to be in denial by pissing off the entire world …

You understood this simple principle: the weakling sub-informs that he has bad genes while it is necessary to show on the contrary good alpha male genes. We so try to act on their subconscious. Personally, to train the tone of my voice and some of my postures, I try to see what works best “to submit” my dog. And I noticed that there are actually tones of voice and posture of the body which make that it obeys more or less well, more or less fast, etc. Hell yeah, I think that it is necessary to get in touch with the animal side of the girls!

A different programming

The women are not programmed as we are him towards the beauty: what they look for is more buried in them. The beauty, the money, the power, the popularity are factors which make them feel good feelings towards us… but we can transmit differently the same feelings: by the attitude.

It is necessary to be a virile ALPHA. For that purpose, you must at first be capable of being a leader in your own life: you choose the girls who enter it and not the opposite (typical of the guy who dates a girl by default). You have to be a fighter, you fight to have what you dream about, and your dreams oblige you to aim always farther, always higher (ambition).

You will have understood it: for the girls, the attraction is a matter of a process and thus evolves (more or less) according to your actions. On the other hand, for us, it is rather an event: there is attraction or not, and then it is everything (she is beautiful or young or not)! You thus have to act differently from the other men while remaining desirable. You will observe that if a girl feels that you understand her, she will try to impress you. Indeed, she will see something that she did not see often in her life and will try to keep it : a “real guy”. For that purpose, you are not a “ass kisser”, IE you do not tolerate the whims of the attractive girls. Behave as if she was AN OLD FRIEND: you evoke her small manias, you tease her and you make fun of her insecurities (you are not impressed by her beauty because you communicate that you are used to be with attractive girls). You remain friendly and player, the seduction is a game in any case, it is even for that that we call it “the Game” (in the community of the seduction)! According to the same logic, she has to understand that you can satisfy her without taking out your wallet. Do not especially go into the logic of the equation YOU + MONEY = SHE. It is one of reasons which make that a good seducer does not offer a drink to any girl just to have her attention in return.

Realize all the same that all the situations are different. Each woman has her own hierarchy of the qualities she looks for (example: social position > confidence > beautiful physical appearance). And within this hierarchy, there are different hierarchies: The waiter of the trendy club will be an alpha for the nighters who give some value to clubbing. He will be absolutely nothing for the girl who does not go to the nightclub and who doesn’t care about people who drink. The drug-addict will like very much a dealer or a rich guy who can pay her some powder. The sportswoman will like very much her ski instructor or her Yoga instructor or I don’t know who else… etc. Most of people know from the adolescence where they are on the hierarchy of the reproduction.

On the other hand, the criteria will not be the same according to if the woman selects a lover or a husband. In the second case, she will try to keep him (for example by praising her purity) and his resources will become a more important factor. Let’s note that we live in a feminist society because a man making a child to a woman then leaving her to reproduce somewhere else will often have to pay a pension, what will decrease his resources, so making him less attractive for the following woman. But the woman will prefer (instinct) to keep her man thus she will want to select him “not way better than her all the same” so that he does not leave at the first opportunity. Let’s note finally that our instinct is not made to live in a city where the temptation is omnipresent, it is what created so many sexual confusions and frustrations.


Show that you are not a frustrated guy: be happy that the others have good things in their life and appreciate with them. A real guy helps the others to develop. There are enough women for everybody !

Understand to finish the importance of the Halo effect: attractive and powerful people look more intelligent and confident than those of middle class.

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3 keys to FINALLY understand seduction

The seduction, a human science

The human sciences, just like all the sciences, try to define general laws according to variables. The only problem is that, in our case, the variables are much more numerous than in the other disciplines and most are difficult to quantify or even to collect.

It is thus the inverse approach which was chosen in evolutionary psychology : Instead of trying to list all the variables, the researcher considers those whom he knows and declares to do as if all the others were invariable. It is the sense of the expression “other things being equal” that is used and implied frequently always and everywhere on this blog.

For example, when we say that being tall and having big muscles offer a reproductive advantage, we imply “other things being equal”. In the real life, the advantage will not necessarily be very obvious. First of all, it is possible that the carrier of this genetic code never dares to approach a girl or is impotent, what does not question the principle of the advantage but its realization for the guy. Then, it is possible that this genetic code has other consequences going against the reproduction of its carrier : for example if the girl is traumatized for a reason or another and is afraid of big people (don’t laugh, I know some). In this case, it is naturally no more an advantage: the principle is questioned.

The expression “other things being equal” which is always implied in seduction thus shows the limits of the knowledge and reminds the caution which it is necessary to keep concerning their interpretation.

The pure model “man” and the pure model “woman”

All our senses and all our observations demonstrate us daily that men and women are extremely different. The most visible differences are found in the physical appearance : the primary and secondary sexual characters.

The intellectual differences are also obvious when we use the appropriate tests. For examples, the women have a verbal intelligence very superior to the one of the men : They will understand better the various senses of a sentence. They speak more and not with the same objectives: it is true in all the societies which were studied (universality of the influence of the genes). The feminine intuition allows her to understand better the relations between people, she will know very quickly who tries to seduce who, what is the emotional state of a couple, while the man will be strictly incapable of it most of the time. In contrast, the men are more capable in visuo-spatial intelligence: they dominate completely in the tests asking to reconstruct an image or in reading a road map.

It is necessary to understand, on the other hand, that these differences are not absolute. It is easy to find counter examples : Many women are taller than many men, even if ON AVERAGE, the women are smaller than the men. These differences correspond to a “archetype”, it is only about orientations. We are all situated somewhere on the scale going from pure “man” to pure “woman” but not to the extremities. For example, I think of having a “feminine” sensibility (without being homosexual) as regards the feminine psychology, what makes that I understand maybe better the women and more easily than the other men.

The reasoning to be held in seduction is much more subtle and complex than “to seduce THIS woman you have to do such thing and not such other thing no matter who you are and who you are dealing with” (what a nonsense) : it is about optimizations and about supposed predefined roles.

We ALL are governed by our genetic programming

We will thus work on what I call “the average girl”, the statistical girl. Of course, it is necessary to understand also that every person is different and can react differently (because of the expectations, the character of the subject, the education, the experience of life, the faiths, etc.)

However, the current studies show that the average figures for every behavior, expressed in percentage of the variance are, 50 % for the genetics, 40 % for the peers, and 10 % for the parental influence.

Every individual is thus determined at 50 % by his genes. It is true for the intelligence, his happiness, resistance in the diseases, stress, social success, etc. It seems more and more that the genes (and the prenatal life) define a maximum what will be reached unless the environment prevents it. In other words, the education and the fates of the life can destroy a potential, restrict it or on the contrary allowing to exploit it, possibly directing it but not developing it, and it is true in terms of sports, intellectual capacities, etc.

It is sad and amoral but it is TRUE. And it implies as consequence that what seduces every “pure model” woman is determined by her genetics. The game thus applied to understand it and used the evolutionary psychology to activate the levers which make the women “programmed” as women react.

If you want “to understand the women”, I recommend you to read works or blogs about evopsy because it is the basis of everything, in seduction.

I hope that you better understood why the seduction is a domain so delicate, and why the game works thanks to the logic of large numbers.