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When sexual desire fades…

My father visited me last weekend in Lyon. We, as often, had philosophical talks about sex. Among them: “when we age, are we still warm?”

He was warm, my dad, in his time. I also still surprise him from time to time, starting at the ass of sexy chicks in the street. It’s only natural! It makes me laugh!

According to his testimony, one thinks less about sex for sex after 60, and more about the beauty of women. Where from the interest of having pretty wife (you must see how aged her mother) and daughter. (I’m not talking for Playboy’s boss).

It’s a bit the answer to the question I often get: “will you be a player all your life?” I hope not, honestly. I am already tired. I always said I would stop soon to start a strong family and have balanced children.

Sex for sex with hot babes we like, it’s awesome at the beginning. So I do it now in order to don’t feel the desire to cheat on my wife during a fucking midlife crisis.

But above all, I learn many things through the Game. About me, about communication, about how to be respected and how to use my charm on women. Among others.

I do a lot of experience that I would have regretted having not made, I think, if I had a youth of tight-ass. I do not like living in frustration or in ignorance. This is especially why I love the game : I am more motivated by the understanding of how seduction works than sex-addict (sex is not only useful to pie).

However, it’s not because fucking chicks in a mess (and not all the women I want) thanks to psychological communication tools has become a second skin that I can never get rid of it. I am not Neil Strauss!

Indeed, in his book The Truth: An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships, Neil tells the crisis which followed his life of Pickup Artist. He wrote what happens when a guy wants a LTR but cannot control his superpower of seducer (or when he fails to properly lock his Efficience belt).

I recognize myself in him a little, when he speaks of his mother, in this book. He said she was a little stuffy. Like mine (and my father too). He had a rather boring childhood, without realizing it at the time, just like me.

After his life of PUA, he went in sexual detox (or rehab). They identified him emotional incest. Seriously, I hope it’s not my case.

In my fantasies, I want to live with two women who would love each other as they would love me and who would bear my children. But this is just a dream and I will content myself with a pretty, healthy, slim, sweet, intelligent, courageous, not too much a pain in the ass girl.

I want a healthy relationship. I want to be really transparent and honest with my wife and my children. I do not necessarily want them to be players, what I want is that they are good in communication to understand the world, protect themselves, dominate others and succeed in life!

To the question: would I enjoy an open relationship until my penis is no longer able to get hard? On one side, I like the moment between the opener and penetration: I love the Game for the game. On the other hand, it would piss me off, I guess, that someone else fucks MY WIFE. The fantasy of purity and all that shit, when it applies to your wife, is not necessarily the same thing that when it applies to a fuckfriend. With that said, if I’m the only one with who she fucks without a condom, it may be enough… maybe. To be tested ! What I want is to have special privileges.

That said, I do not know if it would be very healthy for my children that their parents are libertines.

In his book, Neil discusses the delicate issue “once I’m in a serious relationships, how can I make it work?”

It’s a good question. So far, almost every relationship I’ve built fell apart. In The Truth, the author wonders whether we would not be the victim of a former trauma, maybe we repeat the same things again and again? It’s a bit like what plays in our mind when we always want to get our ex we idealize back or when repeated endlessly the same patterns that leads to nothing good and we are emotionally desperate!

I do not want to be, in my turn, an ignoring or stuffy a parent. I do not want my children to suffer, to devalue constantly, to feel depressed, anxious, etc. I do not want that, like me, my children need affection, but quickly feel stifling and therefore never attach themselves to people for too long.

The conclusion of the book is that the marriage of love is not what corresponds to our wild bodies! Wedding is a cultural thing, we must make sacrifices for it to work. The greatest biologists and psychologists agree to tell so. Our body says “why looking for our soul sister ? I don’t like incest.”

“Do not trade long-term happiness for short-term pleasure.” Rick Rubin
“Masturbate once and you will feel better!” Fabrice Julien

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The amorous exlusivity and the different types of relationships

The amorous exlusivity and the different types of relationshipsFar from me the pretense of taking an imperious tone in this article because we will address the issue of amorous exclusivity.

After all, everyone does what he/she wants. But to do as you want, it is still necessary to know what choices are really available to us. Otherwise, it’s not a choice.

Note that I do not know what you think but for me, a relationship that works is simply a relationship that contributes to the welfare of the two protagonists.

Recent social changes

Let’s start by making an inventory of recent social developments in the loving commitment.

I just want to shake here and some preconceived ideas so that everyone can live either love as an exclusive assumed choice and not a default choice, or love as an assumed uninhibited and honest foraging. I’m not here to judge but to think and make people think.

The Basics: If one takes the point of view of evolution, men and women are similar and complementary 45/46 sexual similar chromosomes. However, sexual behavior have differences that are necessary for the survival of the species.

More recently: There are still a few decades, it was unthinkable for our ancestors that women are elected at the head of companies or governments … but progress in gender equality have changed that. Now one of the criteria for choosing a wife may be her ambition, her future career, salary, intelligence, etc. What was before rather a criteria for women to choose a husband.

Men have thus lost a part of their identity, their authority, and women are sometimes in search of virile men (although men are also lacking in women because many girls adopt more masculine attitudes).

Note: It is common knowledge that some women who have important positions behave in an authoritarian manner with their underlings but need to go out with a man who will take the initiative, dominate her a little, challenge her, and make her enjoy in the bed.

Currently: Men and women are a little bit lost in seduction. What they want consciously and what their instinct wants is not really in tune.

Therefore, in forty years, the number of single people has more than doubled (INSEE figures). More than 15 million in France… for an average of 18% in the European Union.

Women are slightly more concerned with celibacy than men (53% against 43%).

Many singles have previously been married and/or have dependent children, making difficult the organization of a new couple.

Over 50% of the singles would be single for more than three years.

40% of them, assume very well the fact of living alone.

The number of sexual partners reported by women is increasing, while it remained stable for men.

Changing attitudes about sex is a factor in the rise of Internet pornography.

The couple have a little more sex than before.

Different types of love

There is physical love: physical attraction first. The problem is that everything is based on beauty.

There is playful love: love is a game, the meetings multiply. The problem is the shallowness of the relationship and the possible fear of commitment behind it.

There’s the friendly love, it’s when friendship turns into love. Love without fever or madness.

The passionate love, it is the mixture between playful love and physical love. It is people with low self-esteem who imagine a future marriage at the first meeting. They al the time need proofs of love.

The pragmatic love is the mix between playful love and friendly. It is a relationship a little down-to-earth, but if it works, the results will be waiting for you: it works with a logic of meetings based on profitability costs/benefits.

Disinterested love is the mix between physical love and friendly love. Here love takes a spiritual dimension: one sacrifices for the other one!

What does not work

The narcissistic love, those who idealize their partner, mutual adoration… it cannot function because to love others you must love yourself. A dose of narcissism is essential.

The virtual love, geographic separation … it’s dangerous because when they meet, the fantastical dimension tends to disappear.

The unrequited love, the more the other is out of reach, the more we want him/her. “I would be happy if…” We suffer here and most of the time eventually derail…

The triangular relationship, such as with a woman for the breast side and a mistress for the sexual side. Or we go out with a and like his brother in secret. The third person is often sacrificed after damaging the basic relationship.

Forbidden love … like a teacher with a student. Here, we love the danger as much as the person. But if we remove barriers, love often disappears. Don’t fool yourself!

Solutions that are available to us :

– Monogamy: fidelity is associated with exclusivity. The benefits are emotional stability and management of jealousy. Moreover, it is easy to find someone looking for this type of relationship, since it is the most common. However, in practice, there is often sprains to the contract.
– The debauchery: it is when we add others to the couple’s love games. But the feeling of love is for one person and parallel relationships are not accepted. However, in reality, it is still possible to desire someone else …
– The open relationship: here extramarital adventures are allowed. The love contract is not based on exclusivity, allowing to experience many things. The problem here is to confront “the standard” and to manage jealousy.
– Poly-love: the principle is that we can be in love with several people at the same time. It could be funny to live with two women to sleep with them, and that they sleep together. More wages, more children, etc.

Knowing that ideally, we would live without conditioning and each couple would be unique and happy.


And you, what is your choice?

– The sexfriends ;
– The lovers ;
– The wedding ;
– PACS (a kind of strange wedding (but not exactly) in France) ;
– The open relationship;
– The punctual libertinism;
– Regular libertinism;
– Banging an ex or a married man;
– Etc.

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Can seduction be taught?

The problem

I assume that most people have no idea how to deal with the other sex. They are unable to understand each other. So I tell myself that it could be a good thing to explain seduction.

However, claiming to 100% control the workings of seduction and to transmit this knowledge seems to me boastful, disconnected from reality and unhealthy for the guru as for the student. I speak of guru in this case because I think there are several schools that claim they get the knowledge and that competitors are zero … but the truth is that each holds part of the truth. Mystery, Ross Jeffries, Cajun, DeAngelo, etc. : OK. There is truth in what they say. But there’s also the commercial crap. And every time is claimed to be able to seduce THE women (and not SOME women) this is wrong. Even worse when they pretend that if it does not work it is because the student has done something that he should not (it may be true but it could have screwed up even if he had ollowed the method to the letter). Otherwise explain me why these alleged universal seducers do not make out with beautiful women important, rich, famous, etc. instead of merely cute waitresses.

Indeed, we must have the humility to realize that:
– What works for the coach may not work for all students;
– What worked in the past won’t necessarily work in the future;
– The stories past, present and future of the protagonists will influence the interaction;
– All girls are similar and different;
– According to the moment, the same girl will suck you or will reject you;
– As you are constantly changing, your level is not regular from one day to the next one;
– Because there are so many things we do know nor control down here now it might be time to recognize it. BUT THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM.
– Because we do not bathe twice in the same river …

The thing is that a small variation in the experimental protocol can dramatically change the result of the interaction. One drop too much in the potion (or one less drop) can turn you into ogre or dwarf when it was supposed to turn you into a prince charming. Do you understand the metaphor?

With humans it is even more difficult than physics and chemistry: situations, contexts, attitudes of people are never the same. 1 electron = 1 electron. But in seduction: one woman is not equal to another. The equation changes every time, not just the unknown. It is therefore a drama to pretend extrapolating our experiences across all women or all situations, etc. Especially since we ourselves have studied on small experimental sample (human-sized).

However, I agree that there are fundamental things that really work to make you stay ahead in the context. The first thing you must understand is that seduction is statistics, this is what I explain well in The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations. So if you think filling yourself with theory before going on the field will guarantee you invincibility or confer a degree allowing you to give lessons to others: you are sinking your index finger in the eye up to your anus.

For the money (or because they really believe in it but then they are stupid), “how to seduce ALL THE women” is what want to teach you most of my colleagues. They will supposedly teach you how to seduce THIS girl. All that is bullshit for suckers. So no, I do not teach seduction! I’m not God, and I do not think one single person on this planet can boast to have found the magic potion allowing to fuck any girl, anywhere, anytime.

Anyway, I think that seduction cannot be considered indiscriminately as a collective sport. There’s some coaches that really do it for the love of art. Most do it to take your money. They have no interest in really teaching you how to pickup chicks or there would be less women for them. What I mean is that we must think carefully who listening the advice from in the seduction community. The women have understood that better than us, and they realistically rely more on their friends to extract them from the clutches of a weirdo than to conquer a stud.

The solution

Now that we have laid the foundations of the problems, we must recognize that some guys are doing well with the game. What background do they have? It is those who are open and adaptable. Indeed, when one is stuck in a failure scenario or on a stereotyped behavior … he does not open enough in terms of empathy, creativity and authenticity.

My role is to show you that I am rejected too, but I totally changed my mind over this. And with a good state of mind: I forget the faimures, the field of possibilities opens up and I can score goals in any position like Jean-Pierre Papin.

So you have to unlearn the crap that some put in your head and learn from your real life experiences on the field. Otherwise, you will all your life seek advice from so-called “experts” on seduction forums (who are actually virgins geeks full of theory and who love giving lessons but who do not do much on the field ). There is always a way to get something concrete from your experiences, I mean, something more than “it works” or “it does not work.” This is what I want to teach you.

My role is to help apprentices PUA to unlearn their misconceptions and break some bad habits. I have to remove the stones that fell in the middle of the road. Crappy stuff like “I am worth nothing”, “it is impossible to kiss a girl tonight because XXX”, “others are better or have more rights than me”, “I cannot hit on this hottie because XXX “,”it is not correct to approach her like that “etc. Freed from this glass prison and from the fear of what other procrastinators think (and women who do not always right), my Padawans can enjoy the delights of the action and originality. And succeed!

Although I love cum kicks in anthills, I must remind you that like all good learning: the seduction / pickup / the game (call it what you want) is something you learn on the long term. It is not enough to read a math manual for the level of a doctoral student. But you can cook well by following a cake recipe to the letter, though that does not make you a pastry.

I hope with this blog make you want to venture out of your comfort zone. Make you wonder more often “and why not in fact?” and then acting accordingly. Please beware of comfort, routine and lack of initiative. Inaction is your biggest enemy in seduction.

What I currently observe

The men are on their side in herds, empting pints of beer. The women wonder if a guy will have big balls enough the balls to come and approach them before the bar closed. When a guy does, it is often that he drank enough to dare, but the chicks do not necessarily like alcoholics who are crap. They are wary and there’s a tense between the two sexes.

In the everyday life, flirting and sexual tension are present in all our interactions … but are not socially accepted. We live among a mass of coward hypocrites. One might say that if women observe that men dare not approach, they could help us in one way or another to take the plunge. But no. On the contrary: when a guy clumsily dare they look at him as a UFO and cut him any desire to make his balls regrow. But this attitude, despite what one might think, does not make them happy so far: in front of the wilderness of their emotional life, they wonder if they have become ugly. And watch TV at home alone. Or take a cat.

People have difficulty admitting that everything depends on chance, and statistics. That’s why some are offended when approached in the street: “It could very well be another you would have approached instead of me”, they say to me sometimes. I’m sorry but even those who seek a soul mate: you choose from a panel in your immediate environment. So if instead of studying in Aix you had studied in Lyon, the panel and the environment would have been different. Your soul mate would have probably been too. QED. “Yes but it is you I approached … is it fate?”

I know quite a few people who eventually resign themselves to a default relationship. It’s sad. I hope you’ll avoid that.

Many women admit they would like to enjoy their celibacy/youth and dare to live steamy nights with beautiful strangers. But they do not take the plunge because their conditioning and their previous experiences have left their bad memories tinged with guilt and shame. During their old times, they realize that it was the good time and that it was stupid to do so.

And then women claim seeking for spontaneity and authenticity in men. We, the PUA, we are willing to offer them as our learning taught us: but that’s not why people who are offered this gift can recognize and accept it. Everyone is suspicious of everyone now. I find it sad but I cannot prove them wrong.

Gender equality is a good thing, I think, in general. But in seduction, that creates confusion. Each sex should have its role in seduction… but how to explain it to men and women heard on loope since they are young that woman = man! In practice, men are more likely to take risks and better tolerate rejection. While women have more empathy and understand body language better than men. From this, it’s up to us!

Feminists have also done a good job in cutting our balls. There’s even guys who look at you like it is wrong when you APPROACH girls… and then they return with their boyfriends. They make fun of you when you APPROACH but do not have the balls to do it!

With some advice from a good coach and a small makeover, any not ugly girl could learn to get her hands on one or more interesting men. Just by playing her cards better than others. By judiciously sending invitations to the approach for example. A large majority of men can not in fact refuse the advances of a not ugly woman because sexual diversity is less dangerous for a man than for a woman. And because they are substantially all sex-starved. From this observation, it’s up to you, ladies!

Some tell me “I would rather want to be loved for what I am rather than for my physical appearance / cash. “I often reply “I dunno : when you fall from a ladder, this is the law of gravity that rules. Well, when you pickup you must accept to follow the laws of sexual attraction.” It’s as simple as that. Then, I’m not saying you will have to pay stuff for bitches, but rather you will learn how to seduce these girls (who are beautiful enough to make out with footballers) through your alpha personality and your originality.

I really have a lot of female readers, almost more than male readers … so I’m happy. I have the impression of building a bridge, in my scale, between men and women. And between people and themselves. It’s very rewarding.

I think that despite what you might think when you see a girl being approached 30 times in a club: they also are in difficulty. So we have a chance. A chance to get out all together. Beautiful women are not nymphs who master all the keys of seduction. They’re just human as we are. From this, game is on!

I would certainly have been talking about a lot of other stuff but if I write too long texts that discourages some illiterate readers so I will stop here. :p

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What a girl says, she does not necessarily mean it

This text is a bonus in my Diary of a French PUA 2


I had a good night,I’m drinking some tea and prepares a marriage proposal for Lola Le Lann. Suffice to say that I’m in good conditions to lay this little misogynistic text: What a girl says she does not necessarily thinks it. I give you her few funny examples of the famous “logic princesses” (which only makes sense for them and which is responsible for the fact that they drive us crazy sometimes).

1) I met this chick for the first time at a friend’s in Marseille. We drank, we went out and I warmed her in a club. Then we got back to Aix in train. In the station, she confessed to me still living with her parents and so I could not come at her place. I have proposed to go at my place or in a hotel but “I am not that kind of girl who will sleep anywhere with a guy met that same evening.” Instead, we made love in the lobby of a building that remained open. I even buried the condom in a flower pot faded (it gave them back the force).

2) I had invited this girl over but she was menstruating. We thus caressed each other a little, just for fun. I invited her again one week later to finish the job, she came and we did it. She decided to spend the night with me but complained of not having a change of clothes to go to work the next day because “I did not expect to sleep with you nor to spend the night here …” And my ass is some chicken, chick?

3) I had invited the girl to eat at my apartment one night. She refused, claiming having an evening with friends. She made a counterproposal: the same day but at noon, it was OK. We spent the afternoon together and fucked on digestion. Height of height, we stayed together the whole afternoon and she spent the night with me. What happened this party with her friends? “I had not really one, but if I had come in the evening, I came to sleep with you…

4) I had pick up this girl in college. She had given me her Facebook and had made it clear that she had no phone so no number. I slept with her a few times at home before being invited to her place. I saw I-phone loading there she apparently never takes with her or hides deeply in her bag. I asked her why she had lied to me and she said “it is dangerous: there are plenty of people that cannot be trusted, so my friends have advised me not to give my number to guys because we do not know what can happen if we fall on a psychopath.” So: she lets a guy she barely knows making love to her, she spends the night with me at the first date and even asks me to slap her during sex but was not confident enough to give me herphone number because her friends told her to be careful of strangers. It is the pot calling the kettle back! I guess I’m gonna buy candy and distribute it at the exit of college …

5) I asked a friend living in Lyon if I could sleep at her place, overnight. She said she first had to ask permission from her boyfriend who would not be there. She added that she would feel guilty if she did not talk about it and many other stupid things about no breaking trust in her couple. It was OK for him. There, she offered me a disgusting deep-frozen pancake and sucked me. Before leaving the next day I have left a note to thank her for orgasm and attempted poisoning. I hope her guy will never read it…

Moral: if a girl resists once but that was we were good enough, it’s just a matter of principle or to piss you off. Do not give up but show determination. On the other hand, there is denial and REFUSAL: do not turn into clumsy insisting because you think she tests you while in factyou screwed up or she absolutely doesn’t like us (it happens – even if they would stand to gain by having sex with a respectful PUA and they would like it but they do not always realize it).

I do not think that girls resist better than us the sexual tension. Like a beautiful girl drives us crazy, I think that when she likes a guy : if he puts the pressure on the person with the ball he is often going to score the goal.

All this to say that we cannot really trust the first come girl, even if she is cute and even if we want to believe her, it is sad and that breaks the trust between men and women. It is necessary to know it to don’t count on them too fast all the same. That breaks my heart to say that but most of the girls are not reliable. Then I know guys out there who react by not being reliable neither. Or it is the opposite, it is women who protect themselves. In brief, it is the girl whose astrological sign is “snake” which died the tail.

For me the problem it is not even that the girls have only a mouth but nothing behind. It is that most of people generally have just a mouth and there’s nothing behind…

Game for you, according to your values !

#FabriceJulien, author of indecent texts but full of love

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Are men obsessed with sex ?

A friend woke me up at 2:30 pm (the day after a party) to ask me with a scandalized voice « OH CYPRINEMAN, DO GUYS ONLY THINK ABOUT SEX ? »  I answered « of course not : We also think about the mouth, the breasts, the stomach, the legs and the ass. » This answer having not satisfied her, I have to develop a reflection. I am going to try to don’t be too macho.

It is about a recurring question, that quite a lot of princesses have already asked me. Indeed, many girl friends have already announced me their disappointment to the stronger sex (fuck, I said that I would not be macho) : saying that we would think only about sex and we would not be interested in the personality, we would all be jerks, we would want just to fuck, and other variants… The girls, if we listened to them, we would all write poems to be popular. Except that in the reality, the poets practice the sport that makes deaf. It is even why they have time to write in verse.

So what ? The man would only think about sex and the woman about love? Stop, it is more than stupid even if it is what we would like to persuade us to make us feel guilty while our elites make orgies. I had plenty of friends who admitted to me being attracted first and foremost by the physical appearance of a guy, others to want only sexfriends until marriage. I also have very romantic buddies who were ready to commit suicide stupidly for a girl who did not answer them anymore on the phone after a first disastrous date (yes yes). The wrongs are thus shared between both sides : each sex has the power to make the other unhappy. But it is not a reason to generalize “they are all bitches/all jerks” or to decide to become a nun. Having said that, if the men who read this text decide to make wish of chastity, so much the better, that will make for me fewer competitors.

Then, who’s to blame? Sarko? Holland? Le Pen? It is the society that “prohibit” to the woman to be teasing, it is what I call “social pressure” on this blog.  She so risks to be considered as a whore, whereas the attractive man would be considered as a Don Juan, that is to say a model to be followed for the other men. Thus when they sleep together the man wins and the woman loses? It is really some shit this reasoning. Why do some people think in a so chicken way ? The instinct of the man is polygamous, he has to fertilize the maximum of females to make sure a descent. The woman, her, can be pregnant only of a single man: because of long period gestation, she has to pay attention to choose minutely an alpha male. The guys thus do not want unconsciously to raise the child of another one and the woman knows it this is why she wants to be thought of as pure. But paradoxically, the girls want to be thought of as pure until you call them tight ass and there they reveal you that not in fact and everything… With the advent of the condom and the pill, it’s a mess in their head. Having said that, a girl who assumes a little more than the average can game admirably well. Hell yeah, if a girl is a little bit smart she will act less boring than the others with the guys she likes and can have the priority to sexier but more boring girls than her. And then make the guys addicted.

On the content, both sexes are not that different, except sometimes in the way of communicating their desires and of assuming them. Indeed, it is the feminine behavior that influences of what an average man is going to think about a girl (if he is just going to fuck her or if she has the potential to become the only woman for him, longer that all night long). What are these elements that influence of what we think of them? I listed four, there are certainly others, but I am still tired.


The men are more turned on by the image, and the woman by the feelings, that was proved. So, a beautiful barelegged or a beautiful low neck can make us feel immediately sexual (that varies according to the physical shape, the concerns of moment, etc.) Getting dressed like a big bitch and adopting a sexy and teasing behavior, places rather the girl in the compartment “sex friend”. She has however to show herself sexy a minimum and to reveal her interest a little so that the alpha male is interested in her even for something more serious. It is necessary to keep our attraction on the alert. A confident man would even be satisfied that his girl excites the other guys and to fuck her HIM at the end of the day. And then, who said that beginning with a sex thing was a bad thing and prevented from something serious after?


If she is tactile and teasing with the other guys, and if the one with whom she wishes a serious relation sees her doing it, he will maybe take her less seriously. Furthermore, the average man does not like competition and will say to himself that she will easily find another guy taller, more beautiful, stronger, richer, more interesting, etc. As for myself, that makes me laugh when a guy tries to pick up my girl, especially if he is awkward. But it is something all the same something to watch because jealousy is a dangerous feeling.


In a club or on the beach, it is rather for a sex thing. On the workplace, it is rather for something serious. On the Internet, it depends. Having said that, it’s not something bad to look for sex, everything depends on the mindset. As for myself, if the girl is nice, she will be entitled to a cuddle besides her orgasms. No, I’m kidding, my open relation: I slept with her the first time I met her and I became attached to her. The sexual and intellectual connection is not something you can buy. In my opinion, it is hidden in the shadow there or it is not there and it is not the fact of sleeping directly or of waiting for 25 dates that will change something. So, sleeping quickly allows to avoid incompatibilities (like after 5 days you discover that your guy has a very little penis or that your girl has hairs everywhere on the ass it is a pain and can waste a relation that you thought nevertheless “good started”). This is why I laugh when on Tinder a girl tells me directly “if you want sex forget me”: what a conditioning and what a bad faith!!! Having sex with her would have enable us to break the ice easier et to have a more honest relationship.


The girl should not talk about her “conquests”. It is better to keep her past for herself. If she tells that she had a lot of adventure, the handsome guy is going to imagine that she too much likes flickering to make a potential faithful girlfriend. Remember yourself that a man does not want to raise the children of another one. Having said that, if a girl is hopeless in the bed, or has no experience, that can scare him off too, that depends on his personal situation and on his mindset. The guys want the butter and the money of the butter. One of the things that nevertheless kink me it is when the girl seems reserved then shows herself very naughty in the intimacy. I’m probably not the only one … There is a thing there about which I would like to think also: will we have a future? The human life is by definition uncertain, thus why frustrating with the aim of a hypothetical future? I agree that it is necessary to stay careful because statistically we will live until 80 years but you never can tell then why frustrating for the principle? There is quite a lot of girls there who make several dates before “giving” themselves so that the guy becomes attached to her but in fact that is just to fill a lack of self-confidence. Or then because her friends told her to do it to keep him waiting for the principle: but they what do they do? And does it work better? Do not forget that the girls are all the same in competition thus be careful towards the advice of your friends. Same thing for the guys who in fact wants to fuck their friends. Think: why do gay people act differently?

Other elements come to me confusedly:
– Is it necessary to sleep the first night? There is really no rule, that depends on the feeling, but I rather think so… Finally that depends on whom you fall. I have already been in couple with a girl whom I had undressed within 8 hours. Thus it is sure that a blood beef could shout “I fucked her then now that I had sex I don’t care of her” needs to choose well. Do not mistake it and one night stand : and even though isn’t it better than watching TV ?
– Is it necessary to practise blowjob during the first time you have sex? If it is done properly, yes. There are girls out there who don’t at the beginning and say to themselves that it is reserved for later: but then, the guy will maybe be pissed off, doesn’t feel desired, and will not call them back. There are people who practise it at the beginning then do not make any more the effort: that also it is a pain, fucking little narrow-minded calculations.

I’m fed up with writing and I am also sleepy so I am going to end. About the first question I answer: we do not think ONLY about sex but we think about it. And you too!!! Then stop acting like saintly hypocrites, it is a pain in the ass. You should a little more assume and especially encourage the guys who assume instead of insulting/lecturing them. After you complain that the guys do not have balls anymore or keep their cards hidden to sleep with you, seriously… If you prefer the smooth talkers and not the true guys then do not be surprised if you take it in the ass eventually. Only the intelligent girls who will know how to put things in perspective between what we tell them to do and what is their real interest can make a real capital gain and enjoy their life. The girls having the sexual power and most of the guys being frustrated, they are naturally going to try to play a league over theirs, this is why it is hard for us.

Let’s finish on something positive: think for yourself. I now address all those who are not satisfied because they fuck but can’t be in couple or to those who are in couple but never have orgasms. You do not have enough to complain, contrary to many women who are not desirable. The fact that the guys want to doggystyle you proves that men like you. Then for the orgasms, choose a lover or come to see me!!!

Go out and take advantage of your life intelligently! 😉

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Can we have a girlfriend without having sex with ?

There are guys out there who date for years girls wishing to remain virgins.

When you stay during 3 years with a girl without fucking her, sorry but I find it weird. I have never understood that a guy persists in this kind of relation (and no it is not because I am a nasty maniac who thinks that there is nothing else than sex in the life). Moreover, according to me, a chick can become your girlfriend only after having slept with you. And still, it is not the only condition, but it is a sine qua none one. A probationary period from the moment you start sleeping together is also necessary before declaring OFFICIALLY IN COUPLE (AND GETTING TOO EXCITED FOR NOTHING): it is necessary to see how that is going to evolve between you two. 12 weeks, it is reasonable.

In fact, I believe that everything takes place at the beginning when the girl announces that she is virgin/she does not fuck “like that”: you have to reframe her! Like if sex was a battle the man had to win over the woman… fucking urban legend! In reality, there are two winners: making love is a wonderful act. We always know better the other one and ourselves after than before (and washed it can be reused). Then, yeah, I laugh when a girl treats me smooth talker and accuses me of JUST wanting to fuck her. As if I could win something and not her. The thing is that when a guy fucks a chick, well, she fucks him too (some think of depreciating when they unlock their legs but well it is especially in the head because a tight-ass virgin it is not good either). We both enjoy, she has not less value after than before for me and I am very discreet on my relations (in spite of appearances: I change details and the first names in my stories)… Then what the fuck? On the contrary, these lousy principles are pain in the ass: if there is never action, that is going to piss me off and I will find another one with whom I would be on the same wavelength. Here is how she is going to miss her chance in a stupid way! Seriously: if you work hard to find a girl you like, to create some complicity with her, you are not going to leave her after 5 minutes of penetration. This is nonsense to make efforts to make a relation work if it is to break up just after. On the contrary, it is pleasant to enjoy the vibe then created by the intimacy. They are the best, these relations where the passion expresses itself freely. Well, at least that’s what I think…

Scenario 1: you play it gentleman

You apologize for wanting to venture into her string. You start a real plea and promise that you will not hasten things. You try to prove (to yourself) that you are a GOOD GUY. « Ohlala I am so lucky, you are a so respectful and thoughtful guy.
– We will do it when you will feel ready. » In the meantime…

She goes on holiday and lose her virginity on the beach with a brainless but with big muscles dude.

Scenario 2: you try to force it

You insist, you squeeze dry her. She starts welling up with tears and sulks, you sulk. Here you are officially attributed the label of “jerk”. A kind of malaise is appearing between you, you leave. And as to punish you …

She goes on holiday and lose her virginity on the beach with a brainless but with big muscles dude.

Scenario 3: you are level-headed

You take the drama out of the situation. You give her more and more envy during 2 or 3 dates without ever putting too much the pressure on her with that (she already certainly does it herself alone). If ever she raises the sensitive subject, you do not adopt virgin’s-attitude-who-understands-nothing AKA « I am ready to wait during 6 months that you feel ready ». You are rather confident, relaxed and seller of your body (not in the true sense of the word). The temperature rises, the spontaneity is there, she IS ready, she wants you, but she is afraid (then do not add stress – going out of her zone of comfort is rather difficult and even if often the reward is worth it it’s very often easier and thus tempting to say “no”). In the bed, make so that she enjoys. She will live an unforgettable moment full of impatience, excitement and apprehension. She will remember you all her life long. When you will see again each other, whether it is as couple or as improved friends (why always wanting to tidy up your relation in a predefined compartment?), it will be every time better.

She will maybe go on holiday and will sleep maybe with this brainless dude but she will think that you are a better lover than him and that she was lucky to meet you.


You are a man, she is a woman. There is thus sexual tension between you, it is natural and it is what makes our world work. It is what explains that you will make love if you make none of the errors which reduce this tension. Illustrations:
– In the scenario number 1, it is the fact that you agreed to be treated as an asexual little boy who prevents you from making a success. If you do not want her, you will not fuck her. They want men. A minimum of testosterone and ambition. QED.
– In the scenario number 2, it is the fact that you sulk which settles a malaise between you. A woman needs to feel at ease to give way in the arms of a man. That can be understood : rare are fucks with enemies (even if it can be fun). QED.
– For more examples of what can break (and often breaks) the sexual tension between two human beings, you will find your answers in The inconvenient truth about gender relations.

On holidays on the beach, the princess feels less social pressure. And then, she doesn’t care that this dude takes her for a « easy girl, a whore » because she won’t see him again. Then she does what she really wants in fact. Certainly, you would have been both happier if she had hold the same logic for you but needs to believe that everything must be always complicated in life. Everybody would be happier if we less complicated things, if women learnt to have fun without complex and guys to accept it without lousy judgments marked with jealousy/frustration. Both protagonists are formated by the society, confined in stereotypical roles, it is crazy. If there are two sexes and a so strong attraction between them, in your opinion, why is it? So that we are damn bored or so that we enjoy together?

No sé, but I know the side I chose. Life is too short to be damn bored. And I am not asexual (it is necessary to know that it exists even if it is rare).

What pisses me off the most it is that often women feel guilty of having sexual thoughts, as if this fact made them dirty. Then they try to make so that the guys like me feel guilty of being in contact with their instinct, their natural desires (even if we remain respectful, they are not always respectful with us). Most of the guys thus adapt themselves and become docile doggies but without balls totally sexually dependent on an army of susceptible hypocrites. Bravo Ladies, you turn your men into very sexy alphas…

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Fast Seduction explained !!!

Fast SeductionWhat are the Inner Game and the Outer Game?

The inner game, it is your perception of the world at large. It’s the fact that you are aware of your value in your head (inner strength), and that your beliefs are constructive (because what you think possible or not often determines the field of possibilities…)

The outer game is what you do with all this, how you trade interactions. Basically, how you act IRL, on the ground, in your interactions with chicks.


Why is Inner Game so important?

Because what happens inside you makes possible what is happening in the outside world. Because you must be able to recognize opportunities when they present themselves to seize them. Because you should have confidence and a good body language to arouse interest among the fairer sex. And because you must stay strong during nights when everything goes wrong …

What you think about yourself and other influences you and sometimes blocks you, most guys do not know that it is possible to approach a girl in a bar or on the street and sleep with her one hour later. So they do not even try … And it creates a dirty frustration.

Your inner mindset will therefore DIRECTLY impact your success with women.


Negative beliefs (which are mostly unfounded but that will limit your success with ALL the women):

– ERROR 1: Women do not like to be touched. “And the erogenous zones, what do you think about that ???!” Of course they love the contact, like any human being btw. Provided that it is done properly…
– ERROR 2: touching, it sucks, “a woman once told me that a guy got a little too close to her in a club and she panicked. Then, because I am a good boy well I never fit in the intimate space of any girl, I’m afraid to annoy.” This is simply because the guy in question did it badly and/or she did not like him and/or she was not available.
– ERROR 3: I’m afraid she does not want to talk to me if I make her know I want her. “I wanted to try to warm her but I would not take the risk to get closer to her, I did not want to spoil everything.” This is completely stupid because it is while doing nothing that you’re going to ruin everything. She’ll say “hey, one more asexual pussy. I am looking for a manly man who takes charges like a big boy.”
– ERROR 4: “A girl cannot be interested in my cock so easily, and if it happens it must be an accident, I should not take advantage of it, it would be bad to fuck her while she’s sad tonight (or another stupid excuse). “If you don’t, she will do it with a less idiot guy. And if they are compatible in bed, they might even continue dating.
– ERROR 5: giving up too easily. Even if she tries to turn you on and does not kiss you after, do not say to yourself “oh it’s a crappy tease.” It may be the case but it can also be a test of perseverance. In club, just like in any interaction in which you showed your interest: if a girl leaves some ambiguity, it often means “come back talking to me, I want you to try to approach me because I like you.” Oh, because, yes, in France, the majority of girls are passive in the seduction approach phase.


Positive beliefs:

– They love being touched by a guy they like;
– If they passively accept that you touch them, it’s a green light. Indeed, they will never say “oh I ADORE you groped me, go on”. This is the principle of tacit agreement;
– The idea : they like saying things like “I do not sleep with you but I want you to continue to try to sleep with me.” Basically, they love that we try, it flatters them. Therefore don’t focus on a detail to say that it is screwed up. As long as she stays with us despite our attacks, we can keep trying. If she turns her head when we try to kiss her: it is not fucked up, she maybe just wants to keep playing (depending on context). Moreover, the kiss would break the tension;
– You do not need to apologize for your desires, you do not have to try to prove that you are a good guy…

I want to tell you a story: There was a girl like that in a club, I was sitting on a couch and I told her a little bit for fun “do you want to sit on my lap?” I did not know her but she did. Then I started groping her leg, she accepted the deal. I pulled up her skirt and she waited 10 seconds before saying “Are you crazy or what” so I said “yes I’m crazy” and after I did it again so she said “stop, not here.
– So you like when I’m crazy, right?
– Noooo” and finally we fucked in my car. The bottom line is that they do not always say what they think, and it may require having confidence in our man’s power, our sexual power that women are naturally receptive to (that’s what makes the world turn).

You are biologically a sexual being:

– Your body is a sperm plant, reproducing is the only real purpose of existence, and is shared by both sexes;
– It is the power to create the life that lies dormant in your balls. They give you the male energy and it is good to start interacting with the sexual energy (of course don’t masturbate in front of the girl … but classy pushy attitude);
– You have the power to make women feel sexy. Most guys hide to a girl they like her. That they want her. Hell, it’s not a crime! The truth is, it’s just biology that creates the attraction. Do not hide your sexual energy to women. Do not be ashamed of being excited;
– Women love sexual energy, sexual tension, that bubble which is created between two people is magic …
– Touch her like if she was already your girlfriend, or at least like if you had already slept with her. Do not ask if you can touch: either do it or do not it. Your mindset should be something like “I dare you to stop me, because I know you like it.” Warning: a serious no really means no.

Touching = taking risks

You do not need to be a criminal to create sexual energy like a badboy.
– Women love men who take risks;
– They like it when initiatives are spontaneous, exciting, unexpected, in other words they like FUN;
– What kind of man are you if you do not dare to take initiatives with a girl you like? Do not accept to be seen as a pussy.

“Fuck yeah, I take risks, I’m a kind of badboy: I express my desires and I do not care about your fucking judgment of tight-ass. If she rejects me, I will have done my part of the job, nothing to regret.” I’m that kind of guy.

It’s not so much what you say or do, or even how she reacts that will make the difference, but rather how you meet resistance. You’re not perfect, but that’s the game, no one is, then you will be rejected. But you can lower your rejection rate by learning how to read the signs of interest. And if you’re pretty confident, you can say stuff like “oh you pretend that you do not want me? Well then, why are you still holding my hand ?!”

You are thus a fun and sexual guy, not the “nice guy” who does not take risks (and who is proud of it “I not take girls for bags of meat
– Me neither, I reassure you “).

How many times have you tried to fuck a girl in a bathroom during a party? 0, I bet. It’s strange for a guy who wants to have sex, because it is very convenient. Know that even if she rejects you, you’ve tried. If we succeed every time, it’s 2000 girls that we would make love to during a life, not one hundred. Being rejected is truly a part of the success, that’s not virgin’s claptrap. When you feel like it, try to do her, that’s all. There’s not especially good moments (but bad moments exist) that’s the thing. And if you still believe that a kiss means something between you and her … God, go back playing to give kisses in the middle school playground.


Rejection = respect

If you do nothing, you will not have sex, that’s all. By moving your ass, you maximize your chances. You earn respect for yourself because you dared, and respect from her because she thinks “this is a guy who took his chances, tried to get what he wants, he will go far “.

I tried to kiss girls in a bar and on the street after 10 seconds of conversation “what’s your name? you’re cute, I want to kiss you.” Some had boyfriends, some did not want to be seen as easy girls in front of their girlfriends, some have found me “weird” and thought I was a psychopath. But most said “you’re cool, I like the way you expressed your sexuality.” You should understand here that they want more than anything in the world to uphold their reputation. One cannot blame them for that, if the lambda guys were less stupid, they would not need to do so.

But success still awaits. Whenever you meet a girl you like, it’s an opportunity. It can work any time, you never know, so it is good practice to try. We don’t give a shit about social conventions and well-thinking. There’s lots of guys who read blogs or watch videos of stories that truly happened … but no, they do not want to trust me. They do not believe that’s possible. This is actually an excuse to do nothing. Two crazy adventures in which I tried to kiss bitches with cold direct approaches :
Would you like to kiss me ?
Music festival, kiss festival


To do a good approach:

– Concentrate on your breathing;
– Learn to ignore this shitty inner dialogue “that girl I like, I should go talking to her… no I do not do it, it would be weird and she would tell me to go to hell anyway… no, I will try just to give it a try … ah too late!”You go there, albeit with butterflies in my stomach, but you give it a chance… without knowing exactly what you’ll say “she’s on the phone, I will not approach her.” The closer you get, and more you find her sexy… and she intimidates you “I don’t give a shit, I’m kind of a warrior who has to prove himself as a man.” Understand that you’re not a loser if she does not want you. Or rather, you are just seen as a loser in the eyes of those who do not move their ass and those who are stuck in their social pressure glass prison and have unfair personal bias. Any connoisseur of the difficulty it is to approach a girl in the street or even a simple beginner in the Game should respect you for that. Remember also that the best PUA have stats like 1 success for 15 approaches or more…
– I am happy and proud to fight my fears.
– Be comfortable with sexual tension, be able to shut up and let her talk. In brief, as a man, you must be able to endure more sexual tension than her.


If she is not up to:

– You’ll find it quickly: she will tell you or will make you understand soon enough.
– Do not decide for her what are her limits: you must not decide instead of the girl what is appropriate or not. The trap here is to put yourself in her skin to try to guess what she wants. Do not decide for her what she expects from you.
– Find out what it possible to do with her by testing her.

Respect the limits such a gentleman, but do not decide FOR HER (don’t try to go in her brain) what are her limits. You must find out what are the barriers to your physical escalation (it may be just her fears, her personal history or insecurity) and respect them. That’s it. If there is no trap or if you can unblock her, you’re going to find what you’re looking for. Just have the balls!


The casual sex mindset :

– Many girls WANT even WAIT FOR casual sex without commitment;
– If it’s not you, it will be another guy who will give her some pleasure;
– This is your duty to share your sexual energy with the opposite sex;
– This is so exciting for them, and if you do not offer them a good fuck, perhaps no other good fuck will try to pick up them before a long time;
– They can try with you things they would not do with a guy they expect to become their official boyfriend. They often fear that their boyfriend discovers the true nature of their sexuality. Know that there is no goodgirls or badgirls. Each girl has both side. But they are hiding it because most guys are not as open-minded as they claim, are jealous, etc. Believe it or not but a lot of guys are shit, they bother their girlfriends because of their past adventures. It’s sad to be so stupid.
– Sometimes they will test you like “I have already two sexfriends thus I don’t need anybody” to see if really you have the spirit of the sex without headache or if you pretend it because you are a dead man of hunger who just wants to fuck her (badly). The keyword here it is “need”: you either, you do not NEED but DESIRE and you can give her certainly more pleasure than these two clowns (more chances it is the case than they are gods in the bed).


Female sexuality:

– They are sexual beings;
– But they learn how to hide it very well: they want to be respected, and it is normal (who would want to be called a whore?), so officially the girls act well in every respect (some really are very good girls but their lives are probably so boring, I would not be in their skin).
– If you show them that you appreciate that part of them they are a little ashamed of, they will open to your penis. It’s rare to find a guy who accepts the hard reality like that. This is also rare, guys who know how to make love properly.
– “Ohlala I want to make love only with guys I’m in a relationship with and in love.” Maybe that’s true in some situations (religion, strict culture) but these are minority cases here. And they do not know what they miss;) Anyway, these girls do not even say they do not like sex. I found out also that people who are happy, feeling good in their skin and know how to have fun in bed are never reluctant in a good fuck. In fact, it is often those who have never been well fucked (too shy, complexed, frustrated, clumsy, etc.) that are a pain in the ass.
– The girls want to use our cocks for fun. The concept of human-object has a long future (on condition that you’re not disappointing, it is also your JOB): I already heard shit like “I do not even know your name” it’s okay I slept with lots of girls who didn’t care who I was in fact. They live in the moment and it’s much cooler to live in the moment than for a hypothetical future. It’s really nice also to be used for sex.
– “I need to fuck at work”: some girls touch themselves at work. It could be better than a cigarette break, right? A lot of girls really want to fuck, no matter the circumstances, but few credible guys dare to offer them a possibility so it’s up to you to do so. If they say you are ugly or disgusting or something like that, keep in mind that it is because you have destabilized them (they could possibly tell it to Ian Somerhalder too) and probably already did kinky things with a much more ugly guy than you. Girls and guys, we are a bit the same, huh, and I know plenty of guys who are hot in private but if a girl wants to bump into them, they would feel scared, and reject her because they are in a panic (comfort zone, it breaks their fragile princess dream, etc.) Seen the number of dead losses outside, they often leave the principle that we are one and that they have to test us, and that is very sad because their pussy radar does not allow them very often to recognize a good fuck. Only the most intelligent and the best in general succeed but we undergo their doubts on our sex generally and that sometimes hurts!

What hurts sometimes too, it is that they try to make us feel dirty and to show that they are superior to us because supposedly “we only look for sex”. It is a fucking caricature that we put them in mind and that they dread because said like that, it sucks. But the truth is that a couple without sex, that does not exist, and the complicity often comes from there because the intimacy breaks the ice. And that often, if they dread “fuckers”, it is because they always were badly fucking and do not see the interest of sex. In brief, I have already developed this subject in my Diary.

Last thing, you have to be credible: who can blame them if they refuse to have sex with a guy who has super long hair and grime, too long beard, shirt too long with written in big letters “I love beer and soccer and tuning”. What I mean is that it’s smarter to put the odds on your side to accept the rules and to move your ass. Grumbling alone in your corner and fill yourself with hate and frustration doesn’t help. Once you’ve done what you can, if they prefer to be fucked by a disgusting guy who does not understand anything to sex and who is full of drugs or anything but just because his dad gives him € 5,000 per month to buy his coke and his clothes, it’s sad for her eh not for you. Also be aware that the level of IQ plays in the meetings we like, so a silly bitch get along well with a fucking young little asshole. It’s a question of personal reality (let me remind you that the game is an art of seduction for those who do not have or do not want to use money nor power : If I was a billionaire or famous, it would be the girls who would try to find how to sleep with me and make me faithful : question of power given by the society)! In any case, respect the women, be ready to give them what they maybe not even know that they like.


Read those books to understand how they think, what their fantasies are, etc.:

– Philosophy in the Bedroom – Marquis de Sade
– My secret garden – Nancy Friday
– 50 shades of Grey – E.L. James


For those who are interested, my book will reveal all the secrets of this form of seduction: The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations

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Simple, direct and fast seduction

Simple, direct and fast seductionInterest: The pleasure is in the suspense which can happen between the moment there when we try an approach and the results which we obtain from it… It is a game at which we can only win!


10 errors relative to the approach

There is not really a way of approaching which works better than the others (except using the touch or other techniques of persuasion), however some errors must be avoided :

1) You should not not approach : « she is in a hurry, you are badly dressed… » : The report is there, the men are afraid of approaching the women. That it takes 3 seconds or 3 minutes, the important is to become used to speak to unknowns in a natural and relaxed way to develop a social ease. The important is to convey the image of somebody reassured and to show that we are not dangerous, that we are not a beggar and that we are not here to annoy the person. Approaching is not disturbing at all if it is done in a subtle way. It works more than we would want to believe it. It is not rude. It is necessary to dare!

2) You should not approach from behind: like the traitors and the murderers. It is a social and conditioned reflex. You meet a beautiful woman, you have a eye contact, you go back on your steps, you will not especially run and you put yourselves next to her to be able to approach her in a correct way.

3) You should not run after her : It is necessary to stop after having “approached” her. It is going to reassure her, she is not going to say to herself : that one is going to pursue me, etc. And, it is also interesting because it allows to break off momentarily and to bounce at once on what we have to tell her. Do not forget to smile: you are here for the pleasure and to have a friendly social interaction.

4) You should not be heavy or insistent: It is not because we took our courage in two hands to approach her that she owes us something. If she spends her way, leave her and attend to our activities. To whistle for the women and go out in a group of 15 do not work, and the famous “I wondered if your father was a thief because he took all the stars of the sky to put them in your eyes”, either. It is necessary to know how to persevere but not be heavy.

That reminds me the Coach of Marseille who had approached a girl on the street, she had answered “I have a boyfriiiiiiend, classic) and he had pursued her “yeah but if you had no boyfriend would you want? some say that I have beautiful eyes, do you confirm? “…

5) You should not recite a text by heart: That would only serve to be thought of as the weirdest man of the year. There is no magic formula: every situation must be taken with a minimum of spontaneity. For example, simply tell her that she has something out of the ordinary and suggest her verifying that around a coffee.

6) You should not speak too fast, too hardly, to falter and eventually be incomprehensible: The key is the breath. Do not hesitate to lower the flow of the words. The silences are useful to support ideas, they are moments when it is necessary to strengthen the atmosphere which emanates from the discussion. Use these whites and make it trump cards.

7) You should not not assume: We are here to seduce her, you try to get her number, to see again her and more if affinity. Never apologize for having had the boldness to have come approaching her even if you made one of the 10 mistakes. Especially, do not hide behind an a little bit conceited character by trying to impress her : it is old-fashioned, while the approach is anyway already rather impressive in itself.

8) You should not not take her number but giving yours: A woman who gives you her number is a woman who wants to know a little more about you. If she takes your number, it is a polite phrase to say that she will not call you back, that you were not effective enough over the moment. If she is interested, she will give you her number. Idea of answer: “according to a study carried out, unfortunately 90 % of the women who take your number will not call you back”.

9) You should not verify the number: It would show that we are not confident and that we doubt that one can give us a real number. But that can be funny also to confront her with a false number. We can feign a small error on certain numbers: “it is 79 well at the end?”, “no, it is 89”. To consume in moderation because the purpose is to detect them before, these false numbers.

10) You should not not accept the refusal: Good news, the studies are unanimous, there is more than 3 billion women on Earth. Furthermore, a woman approached on the street who rejects you does not reject YOU but the images you conveyed. A woman who rejects you: do not take it personally, she cannot know your values, what makes that you are “you”, in 30 seconds. Laugh at it. To please everybody, it is to please whoever. It is impossible to reach a 100 % success rate. Make your own experience and enrich your culture of the seduction by the practice.


How to take the number of a woman

The direct proposal: Suppose that the meeting was great : interaction without tear and woman who waits that we take her number. Ask her or take out your mobile and give it to her, she will understand that it is necessary to put her number in it.

Do not take her number and do as if we had already taken it : If the interaction took place very well “we shall go drinking a coffee next week or see such exhibition.” If we leave from the principle that it is already won “Oh, but you don’t have my number?!”

The alternative: If we feel her feverish as for the choice to give or not her number: “I suggest you going to drink a coffee in a terrace or to drink a cappuccino and to see an exhibition”. The fact of leaving her two choices is going to encourage her to select what arranges her (feeling of freedom).

The regret : Make her understand that it would be a pity that she does not give you her number: “this kind of situation manages little and meeting the good person rarely happen”. ” You know how it works: if no affinity, no affinity, thus that sincerely commits to nothing”.

The supplement: The interaction took place well and cherry on the cake: tell her at the time of taking her number « btw, I didn’t tell you yet, I am a very good masseur or a cook or I have a jacuzzi ». It is a funny bonus. It will encourage her to give you her number.

The conditional conclusion: If she goes out of a difficult break and is not ready for a new relation, make her understand that we shall not ask for her in marriage nor will put her constraints. You do not oblige her to undertake to do something with you : “well, listen, we should see again each other because we have fun together, we foresee nothing, we simply try to see again each other and to enjoy a good moment”.

The recapitulation: Recapitulate the moments which took place well : « Usually I do not take the number of the violent girls (if she pushed you aside during the evening, for example) but with you it is different. What I am going to do it is that I am going to take your number and we shall go to drink a coffee next week. »

The yes successive: “Yes” engender positive. « Did you like this party? Yes. Do you like having fun? Yes. Are you bored and laugh at weird guys who approach you badly on Saturdays evenings? Yes. Do you like chocolate? Yes (99 % of the women). Then all this is very well, we shall go drinking a coffee next week ». If she answers “no” to provoke us, ignore it and take out all the same the mobile as if she had said ‘yes’ because anyway, she is in a positive emotional state which will encourage her to give you her phone number.


Taking the number or the e-mail ?

The results are appreciably the same. The e-mail is less intrusive and she will give it more easily because when they give their number to a stranger, they are afraid of being harassed night and day; taking the email (or the FB) during a night out is less connoted “pick up” whereas the number is more symbolic.


Planning to see again or meeting on the spot?

It is very exciting to go out with someone we’ve just met: everything can arrive! To privilege thus but it depends especially on possibilities of the one and on the other one. Taking several numbers can be interesting also because those who will release themselves easily to see you again will clearly be interested: it allows to make a sorting!


How to avoid most of the rakes ?

Ask for the number only if you have her immediate assent: you suggest doing something and if she does not look like “yessss good idea” or if she does not talk about taking your number, the situation looks complicated. She can also be shy. When you have the number, chat even some seconds and then you leave to do not spoil everything! My thing it is to give them my number, like that, I know that those who call me back are motivated. The bad thing is that it obliges them to make an effort to send the first message, thus I lose some along the way but well I so less complicate the things for me.


Lessons of trying to pick up :

The direct approach in a store is effective, if the girl is alone.

The foreigners who have just arrived are safe bets.

The age is often a criterion of disqualification: attention to calibration.

Do not hesitate to approach a girl who waits, even if it is for a date.

The personality tests allow to make the shiest and the most reserved girls talk.

Tell her that her answers let think that she has no barriers on her sexuality, that she likes making ceaselessly new meetings, and that she is willing to share. If she does not deny, the night is going to take a form which will suit you.

Always qualify her on grounds where she does not feel at ease. Example: “I speak 5 languages”; “Ah yes, and do you speak Russian?”; “No, I tried to learn”. Always urge her to justify, to put her in a frame of qualification.

When we go night-clubbing, the probability to fall on set of 2 is strong. In this case, opt for the jealousy between the friends by alternating conversation with the one, then with the other one. They will agree to part if each finds some benefit there.

If a girl tells you for example that she was a model, pretend to be used to it and don’t to be impressed.

The fact of being a little bit distant and sometimes to try to pick up openly the friend can also amplify the attraction. The probability is strong in a seduction of two girls at the same time that the girls agree at a moment or another on who will have the priority on the other one. The double game cannot last eternally.

We can meet and sleep with the friends of our friends from the moment everybody agrees, from the moment we assume from the beginning what we want and what we don’t want.

When there is competition, like during a party with friends, do not hesitate to be very reactive to not be doubled.

A girl who stays in a social circle can very well be opened for several adventures in the same circle from the moment she does not feel judged as an easy girl.

The dance is always a way to make rise the temperature to seduce.

The most attractive girls are not the most difficult. The beautiful and sexy girls are not the most difficult but the most unavailable on the other hand, often yes!

The direct approach is effective in big cities. Do not hesitate to put into words the state of mind in which we are when we approach her and to say why we approached her.

The fact that she has free time always justifies to spend some time with her.

Efficiency of the routine: “how could we seduce if we could not speak ?”

The approach asking feminine opinion on the affairs, her emotional past or the meetings in a general way is adapted to approach groups, and when we are with a wingman. It allows to create a little debate and to make react on subjects which directly affect them.

Talking about the way we pick up during a meeting is well perceived and allows to create an immediate rapport. The fact of putting into words what we think, and what we do allows to justify the approach as well as to show our intentions, without necessarily showing too much interested, while remaining funny.

In nightclub, we can approach by simply testing her reactions to touches.

A woman can very well be very motivated over the moment, and rationalize the next day and don’t be anymore in the same state of mind. And conversely, insisting in the trying to pick up can lead you far if you are ready to wait one month, or one year or more..!

The problem of emotional availability is very important and is to be taken into account in the seduction.

Always look relaxed and positive whatever is the situation. Don’t showing yourself emotionally affected by indicators of indifference allows to keep in touch with her.

Approaching at the end of the party just before leaving a place is very effective.

Attention on the game of the assumed womanizer. Generally, it tends to make the conclusion more difficult.

Do not hesitate to approach whatever is the situation.

Always look for the simplest logistic solution when the girl is attracted: try to return her at your place if you can.

The first girl approached is not necessarily the definitive target of the party.

The number 1 obstacle in “night pick up” remains by far the competitors. For example, the jealous persons who act like if they were her friend.

The sense of observation is crucial when we want to seduce a girl.

It is very important to know how to approach at the right time, to avoid useless resistances.

Approaching at the end of the night is often paying, because there is a certain shape of tension (from the moment there were eye contacts) and create, besides, a certain shape of mystery.

Certain women are easier than others.

The fact that she can take you for another one can be an advantage in the approach.

The errors to be avoided during a quick taking of numbers (assembly-line work) :
– No compliments on the physical appearance (to justify the taking of number).
– No conversation on the sex to begin (alert to the pervert = risked).
– Do not approach women you don’t like (spontaneity, body language).

Even if she phones, approach her and if she hangs up it is good.

Suggest going have a drink or explain her that you cannot in fact and exchange your phone numbers.

The approaches have to be done quickly.

If you exchange eye contacts, it has to give you confidence.

Let’s go with self-assurance, straight ahead towards her.

Touching slightly her arm is a way of making her turn around.

When the previous approaches did not work, try again. They can be stupid, gays, upset over the moment, etc..

When you approach, accelerate the walk but avoid seeming too breathless.

Shaking hands with her or giving her a kiss starts a dynamics according to which you can touch each other.

With the foreigners, you can and sometimes even must continue in English.

If she is alone, settle down with her.

Do not stare too much at her tits, etc.

Suggest showing her places to go out.

If you wait for her for example at the exit of a store, she does not have to see that you wait for her.

If the girls work, contact them only when they are alone (bothered?). Say that there will be no problem for the work.

If you see the time go by, it is a very good sign.

Being attracted by a girl and feeling a part of reciprocity in a context where it is very difficult to take action, is something at the same time very attractive and very frustrating.

We are often confronted with this type of situation where we would like to take action, but where the context is not adapted because of the social consequences and of the other people’s opinion. On the other hand, where there is a critical and crucial point in the interaction, it is that you should not miss the moment when there is this possibility of action which appears.

It is not because she has a boyfriend, that she is going to not cheat on him.

In a park (and in a general way) position strategically between two groups of attractive girls, and look at them from time to time…

Approach before her friend arrives.

If for example she speaks in a loud voice to say that there are not available tables anymore. Jump at the opportunity and say that it is going to empty.

Ask for what she drinks and go to the bar to order the same thing. If she invites you to come back speaking to her, let’s go.

A girl does not use consciously techniques of seduction but knowing some can allow you to spot the girls who are in attitude of seduction.

She dances with a friend on the floor. Pass in front of her and take her hand, if she hangs on it: let’s go.

Indirect approach: ask her what she thinks about the party.

Breaking the ice: say that there is a lot of people, that it is warm, etc. The commonness is your friend in this context.

Talk to her in the ear, and at the same time take her hand. Pull her towards you to isolate her, but if she hangs on as by gravity to the attraction of the group, stay near the group and dance with her.

If she is motivated, to such a point that when you put her a finger in the mouth, she sucks it strongly: intend then to conclude on the same evening.

Touching her by chance or making touches with pretexts will strongly help you: dare.

Attention if you present a girl whom you have just approached to a guy, he can compete with you.

If the happy hours goes well, invite her to come to have dinner later.

Taking photos can draw the attention of a group, do not hesitate to strike up a conversation. Taking a photo with somebody can also be an excuse to ask for her Facebook and phone number or boost the conversation.

Reading the lines of the hand and other games are useful (buy a specialized book).

Eye contact is essential, do not come out from nowhere.

If a guy takes initiatives and that she rejects him friendly, the way is clear…

Take advantage of public transportation to sit next to the attractive girls.

If there are people all around, make a sign discreetly to say that you want to talk to her.

Problem of perception- womanizer = involuntary everyday acceptance of the interaction. If you overplay the habit, she will not feel unique any more.

If she has earphones (alone, bored?), make a sign to tell that you want to speak to her.

Simple and direct = you assume = original.

If she seems to read over your shoulder or to look at what you are doing, imply her “it is NLP, do you know it?”

Invite your neighbours.

Tease them if they do or talk nonsense.

When we approach a girl on the street, we know very quickly into what is going to turn the meeting on the other hand when we see the girl every day, we can take our time.

If you do not stop her, there are chances that she disappears forever.

Girls on a bench can be bored. Approach them!

You can wrongly disqualify your desires for sex, do as if that came from her. That she has a dirty mind.

A kind is only a preference because the attraction is independent, it is a physical and emotional answer to your personality.

You have to find your style, and if you change it, it is because YOU want it.

No technique works with all the girls. But ask for her first name!

Because of a misunderstanding that can happen, only because you dared!

The simplest catch phrases (openers) are probably the best.


Ideas of lines :

Hello, I just wanted to speak to you.

Would you like to go having a drink later ? (showing her your phone)

Would you like to go having a drink now?

Would you like to prolong the night with my friend and me ?
Well ! What did you do tonight ?
What will you do now, except going to bed alone and contemplate your walls. Would you like to have a drink elsewhere ?

Hello, Do you recognize me ?
Listen, now, I have not a lot of time, because I have to join a friend (do not say “a girl friend”), but if you want, we can have a drink later.

Would you like to come eating with us ?

We’re leaving, but I noticed you, and that would please me to have a drink with you later.

Hello, could you remove your sunglasses please?
Sunglasses are annoying, we cannot know if the person likes us, and in addition I heard that everything passes through the eyes.

Hello, I find you attractive (if the time is really counted in seconds.) A number?

No, I cannot, I have to see a friend.
=> All right, we can see each other later if you want.

Hello, I found you nice, would you like to go having a drink?
Ah well, because it would be nice. Where are you going? We could have a drink and discuss…

What are you doing tonight ?

You give me your number ?
All right, but on a single condition…
You call me tonight…

(Game of the oracle) Mobile, oh mobile, tell us who is a very good lover in the bed?

(Opinion – chat) Hello, I think that the women lie more than the men.

Hello, my girlfriend has just left for Egypt with her ex. What do you think about it, girls ?

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Hitting on women

Hitting on womenWhere to find women ? Seriously ? I would have been able to content with writing “everywhere” (to save time) and with going elsewhere doing other things like pulling my cat’s tail, watching Daredorm or sending naughty texts to all my female contacts. But well… I was told in first grade that it is always necessary to develop my answers.

There is one thousand one ways to meet the soul sister (or a fuckfriend)… then do not wait passively that the others introduce her to you (it would be a bonus). Certain men have more success in a type of meetings rather than in the other one : You do not know in advance with which method(s) you will be the most comfortable so try (who had believed it) ! Just like you will not know if you like the blanquette of tata Ginette before having tasted it. And just like you will ignore if you like doggystyle, licking her pussy or being suck on her kneels in a public place before having tried. Multiplying the means and thus the meetings = maximizing your chances…

The classic meetings : We can meet women in the shops of clothes, bookshops, cafes, universities, laundries, grocer’s shops, department stores, banks, the public transports, parks, etc. Either with cold approaches, or by having had before a EC maintained some seconds. ( If she maintains more than three seconds, you have a moral obligation to go there (because yes they are more discreet than us but some assume all the same)).

– Dating sites (or even the social networks): the experimented PUA, generally, do not like this process (except me because I don’t give a shit for appearances): you will thus not be in competition with them. It is an easy way to meet women because the rejects will just be some words on a screen or an absence of answer and you can more easily seduce her because you will directly reach the first meeting. The problem is often the misleading advertising (I speak about photos) and the state of mind of the chicks (too much clamped, looking for love like in the movies, or then too much sexually crazy like “lick my feet”). The principle that the experimented PUA doesn’t like, in fact, it is to have to pay to seduce women (what is logical because it is them who win the most at it in that case because most of the others guys are just suckers…).

– In the street: the most difficult exercise because the target is in movement. Knowing if she is inclined to meet and to convincing her that you are interesting in some seconds requires a lot of competence and tact. Seducing her by speaking to her about her dog (or having a dog yourself) either an accessory or then take out an opener completely randomly. It is necessary to have a great deal of social freedom to manage to do that, and is needed a minimum of open-minding for the girl to accept, especially that where I live, when the fellows approach it is more often to rob than to give orgasms. The universe of the possible is infinite there according to on whom you fall, it is what makes the pepper of it.

– The speed dating : The pickup is a story of quantity and number, and it is not so important after all. It is necessary to target the kind of people which goes to this kind of things… There are often opportunities to fuck, but the eternal question is asked “why do they need this kind of things if they are quality chicks?” Because there are quality chicks (yes yes sometimes), like on the dating sites, some lost further to a coincidence.

– The marriages: easy line : “how did you meet the married ?” Besides, they are in the atmosphere. The problem is there are chances that everything is repeated and deformed to your common friends.

– At work: it is a common point, we are in contact every day during hours, sometimes in conditions of cooperation. Do not make too many efforts to meet women at work (harassing) but be susceptible in their calls (without letting them illusions if you do not want a couple otherwise attention on the bad atmosphere after… I remind that jerking at all costs is not a state of mind of Alpha). There are always some co-workers whom we would fill more gladly than the paper machine.

– Blind dates : it is when two persons who do not know each other but who are recommended by common friends go on a date. More intimate than the meals with three or four people where they would have the impression to hold the candle. It is cool especially if your friend in common recommended you as a good lover.

– The happy hours : A relaxed and quiet moment after work. They are often more opened than at night and then it is less late thus you have more time for the after in this case.

– The private parties : everybody was preset thus the girls are reassured, the music is not too strong (thanks to or because of the neighbors), we can thus have a conversation which leaves on good bases. A must if there is a good ratio M/W !

– Bars and nightclubs: day pick up > night pick up. Because at night, the girls are on the defensive (drunk guys). It will also be necessary to overcome obstacles: the BFF, the jealous friends, the other guys who like her (the AMOG for example). Well, the positive point, is that the alcohol (and the rest) succeeds in some who cannot disinhibit themselves without. Dancing on dancefloor or staying in a quiet corner and approaching? It depends, I prefer talking and provoking and I never go to dance without a girl (alone it is easy to be ridiculous).

– The associations of voluntary help: the woman-man ratio is interesting, besides, having a passion is attractive. For example, animals.

– The classes: going to places where there are more women than men for example “yoga”. The best way to open the conversation is to speak about the class that you chose to see how she reacts to your contact. No need to go too fast because you will see again each other every week but it is not an excuse to don’t act ! Inquire before about such or such activity to have interesting things to say : moreover, the women like that a man is an expert in something (and yet, even in not sexy domains like computers there are some sexy geek chicks)! Ideas: art, craft, kitchen, literature, psychology, foreign languages …

– The activities and the hobbies (not Frodon): for example: doing magic, singing, dancing, taking a hike, eco-tourism. Keep in mind to avoid the mainly male groups (video games, chess…)

– The conventions: for example nurse conventions are a nest with meetings, they group together into bars and hotels. Furthermore, they are on “holidays” thus more open. Moreover, the things like the Med club it, seems to be not bad too!

– Your social circle : enlarge your circle of friends with women… and men (but no coal nuts who would pull you downward) ! Call your old friends, meet new people. Go out with your co-workers. More you will know people, more they shall introduce you to new women. Do not always stay with the same closed group, drinking beers. Go out when you spend your nights between men but avoid being 15 fellows without girl, your value would fall!


The morality is : do as you want but contact girls you like (and don’t use the excuse “they all are not good enough for me” to do nothing). Because even the worst approach has more chances of success than the inactivity (and a 7 in your bed in better than a 10 in your mind).

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10 characteristics to become an attractive man

The things which make the girls react :

You maybe wonder “how to make the girls like me ?” “how to become a womanizer” or in less soft version “how to turn women on” ? Being successful or not depends largely on your state of mind : what follows will help you to acquire “this little special thing” you maybe miss at the moment.

The women just have to look after their physical appearance to have more success. For us, men, it is different : our appearance is certainly important (“What is beautiful is good ” (Halo of beauty) but to a lesser extent. There are other ways to seduce the girls: Work above and it will be as if you were a big tuna who is transformed little by little into magnificent siren.

Imagine that you are in journey: It’s midnight, you are alone in a bar and you meet a girl… Not very beautiful, not yucky but not beautiful and a little bit fat. In brief, not terrible but fuckable “in secret”. You have nobody else in mind, then, what are you gonna do in the ideal? Going into your room and masturbate or sleeping with this average girl? Most of people will choose rationally the second option (and they would certainly be right). Well, it is the same thing for the average girl. I give some explanation: if you are “fuckable” IE the minimum criteria (not horrible nor deformed) and if you adopt a good attitude, then you will get your own way with the girls. What I want to say it is that, subject to not being eliminated by the physical appearance, there are other numerous manners to create the desire. Not with all the women of course, but with a sufficient number so that you can have more that you can humanely manage. 20-30% of your potential of attraction dependent on your physical appearance, it is not unimportant.

The button “physical attraction” turns or does not turn. That is thus of no use to compare with others to know if we are more or less hot than such or such competitor. However, more we are beautiful, more we activate the button on different girls … and we are not going to lie, that helps all the same strikingly because the girls are now brought up by seeing only Ian Somerhalder or Chace Crawford on the television or in magazines and think of being all princesses deserving a pure fantastically wealthy handsome boy (thank you, the new technologies!)

Except that, what is determining, it is not if she finds you beautiful but if she likes you or if you motivate her to sleep with you. Rather than by a body, they are excited by an attitude: There is only to see the number of girls who fell in love with the character of Serge Gainsbourg in 2009 when the movie Gainsbourg, vie héroïque came out. He was not beautiful but had class and emotionally stimulated women… what is the most important and we have a lot of problems with this understanding because as men (on average statistics of course) we use first and foremost the left part of our brain contrary to the women: they thus perceive the thing in a different way.

Three quick advice to improve your physical appearance anyway :
– Work out ;
– Eat healthily;
– Improve your look.


Roughly, for men …
– The physical appearance represents 20 % of the power of attraction;
– The personality represents 80 % of this power of attraction.

It is the opposite for the women : Just like most of my readers would fuck a girl with objectively unacceptable behavior if she is hot… Most of the women would fuck a not beautiful guy if he has a stimulating attitude. Knowing how to make this change of view and accept that the women do not look at you exactly the same way you look at a woman is essential.

The seduction it is like a fishing trip. Imagine a fishing trip. It depends if you throw one bait or more. More you use and more numerous will be fishes which will bite. It is the same principle with the girls: a single bait can be enough for having touches but more you will throw and more you will have chances that girls rise to the bait (long life to the metaphors).

The list of 10 alpha male characteristics :

Let’s now see how to become more “fuckable” or “sexy” :


– It seems you are afraid of nobody;
– You are not afraid of the glance of the others;
– It seems you know you have a high value.


– You know a lot of people and a lot of people knows you;
– Other women are interested, there is competition thus your value increases.


– When you speak, people listen carefully;
– You are a reference for certain people.


– You do not put the pressure to the girls, no stress, no possessiveness;
– You are not in demand, nor needy, you are independent from others to feel good.


– You have a lot of passions;
– You have ambition;
– You are not apathetic.


– If she laughs with you it means that she appreciates you;
– You are not a clown, you rather practice the arrogant humor.


– You are capable of protecting people who follow you;
– You don’t let yourself give into despair;
– You do what you decided and keep your word.


– You make her live feelings;
– You are exciting emotionally;
– You are a challenge and a source of surprises for her.


– You have a beautiful body;
– You are in form ;
– It is obvious that you will be capable of making her rise on cloud nine, with no problem at all.


– Some women say that you are “handsome” and/or “sexy” ;
– You are complimented whether it is on your look or on any other part of your body.