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How to better use negs

How to better use negsA beautiful girl, with her physique, can type any lambda AFC. Moreover, in a typical situation, the hot babe thinks on the principle that she is superior. She will therefore, as and as she becomes aware of this, increase her level of requirement. Besides, it is fair, that is exactly what we do when we become better in game: ie becoming more demanding!

Indeed, the hottie cannot fuck every guys who flirt with her in life, she will therefore have to select. For this, a beautiful woman often forges a bitch shield, in order to pull away weak men. The “sluts shield” is a bitchy attitude supposed to discourage the no-balls guys. Therefore, to bang sex bombs, it is imperative to communicate that we are not a lambda sex-starved dude. We must communicate value.

Sorry but you have 90% chance to piss off a woman if you approach her with stuff like “you are hot” or “Can I buy you a drink, beautiful lady?” Besides, most of the guys who act like that find themselves alone after the miss has swallowed the exorbitant champagne you paid for her.

The worst is that by acting this way, she openly shows she does not respect you. But no way, we won’t insult her “pff bitch why do you drink if it’s not to be fucked hard? “It would not at all be ethical nor productive.

The truth is, deep down, they want actually to have sex. But they are not sluts. In addition, they like to draw our attention, no matter what they are saying. They like to feel their power of attraction. It is from these observations that was born the concept of negative hit, or neg, for short. The author is Mystery. The idea is that instead of saying boring things without interest like “miss, you are very beautiful”, it has more impact to say things like “you have beautiful hair, is it real ???”

Or, “you’re tanned, is that mattifying make up?” She may concede that yes and that she would like to spend a week on holiday in the sun. You could then push the envelope “okay, I guess most people like it anyway.”

The idea is she has a little doubt. We compliment her but not totally. Thus, she no longer has control on 100% of the interaction. She feels that you do not put her on a pedestal, unlike other guys. Then talk to her normally without telling her every 5 minutes she is very pretty, so she wantes to prove to you that she is sexy. You will communicate that you have high standards, and she normally will feel she must qualify to you to please you. Anyway, this is what theoretically should be the sub-communication. And yes, a neg is a form of DHV. You show value while making her fall from her pedestal: you restore the order of things. Finally, the frame is not against you anymore!

Maybe she will not understand why you are not a sex-starved like all the others. Good. The secret that gives you so much confidence, it is the knowledge of the game. But it’s a secret!

A neg, it must seem sincere. The problem is to manage the aggressive part of the stuff. The girl should not have the impression that you are trying to humiliate her nor you are a hater. A good neg, it could be a compliment clumsily formulated that reminds her that she is not perfect. The idea, again, is to communicate that, unlike the other guys, her physical appearance does not impress you. This is not a beforehand won for her. So do not practice this technique with girls who do not feel up to you.

Negs ideas :
– “You have beautiful eyes… especially the right one…”
– “You have beautiful teeth… are they real?”
– “You would surely have been a model if you were taller.”
– “It’s cute, your ears move when you talk.”
– “You look sexy from behind.”

The neg is a controversial concept because, uncontrolled, it can make us lose chicks. According to how it is said, such a sentence can be misinterpreted. Demonstrating disinterest is not necessarily a good idea especially with a girl who is not very confident, “Oh damn, but you’re always like this?” Doing cocky & funny without funny either, the goal is really to push the girl to justify herself, not to offend her. It is rather like doing cocky & funny but without showing interest and it is especially necessary to choose with who we do it. It is rather for really beautiful babes, to reduce the value differential she can a priori think that exist between you two. Also, when a moderately beautiful girl is a little too much a pain in the ass, it may be a good idea to prick her ego. Finally, never make your negs sound like an insult, it’s not the point.

What to avoid which could be confused with negs:
– “You’re dumb or you do it on purpose?”
– “Are you my favorite big slut?”
– Making a neg, then saying “boom I owned you!”

Yes, sometimes you have to use these kinds of methods so they finally understand that you’re not a loser, unlike 80% of men. It could help them to come out a little of their monotonous trance of compliments and bootlicks.

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Pick up in an open/closed environment

Pick up in an openclosed environmentSeveral readers have written me that they are too young to pick up in an open environment (street, bar, clubs) but they would like to seduce in a closed environment (eg at school, in their sports club, etc.)

Girls are not holy

The first thing to know is that high school girls are dirty. I have, several times, fucked high school girls, and it was not the most difficult shots in my career. In fact, being older, I was the prize for them: they could then brag to their friends, they could feel validated, etc.

However, the chicks are probably not going to sleep on the same night with a high school guy (one night stand)… because they will fear for their reputation (everyone knows everything in such an environment). Indeed, they are less experienced than older girls and are less confident. Also, because they do not necessarily want to fuck guys half virgins who idealize women.

Anyway, on a late night misunderstanding: why not? But still need to be invited to parties where the “a little shameless girls” go. And then learn how to create opportunities and seize your chance.

Be less direct in closed environment

Personally, I do not advise you to “actively” pick up in closed environment: no crash & burn, no direct game… except perhaps in the end of year parties or in very special festive contexts.

Indeed, when it does not work in this environment, it is a disaster. And when it works, it often goes wrong afterwards. This is why it is often said “no cock in job (no sex on the workplace).”

And then one takes a lot of rejections when one is beginning. But you do not need a loser reputation with people you see every day: “do not shit where you eat.”

The problem of the closed environment

The problem is that in closed environments, people talk to each other. You will therefore inevitably have a reputation. The reputation of the guy who tries with all the chicks and who fails 90% of the time would lower your “social proof”.

You can always test the waters with the girls in mode “I take the temperature” with chicks that you see every day. But be subtle and let them come to you! If they are interested, if they send a lot of indicators of interest, go for it of course! But what I mean is that it is not in this environment you will do mass of cold approaches to desensitize you to rejections!

In closed environment, rather focus on personal development and on having a more magnetic attitude. In open environements the hard-pickup.

How to pickup on your campus

In high school or college, in my day, the guys who seduced the most were not the most handsome but those who had the best “social proof”. They were those who already went out in clubs, those who were part of the Student Unions, etc. It is all about social dynamics.

Chicks of the promo were easily kissed in clubs by guys of their age. But outside, if they kissed one of those guys, it was especially for something more serious. The only advantage of the closed environment on the open environment is when we get to have a good reputation that brings us girls “passively”. Indeed, a girl can easily fantasize about the captain of the football team of her chest.

However, you can change

If your situation does not fit you and you want to change but do not dare because your reputation is already made: it is an excuse. Yes, gossips will notice the change and maybe try to belittle you. But it’s worth it to go through it, when we know every good things the game will bring you. Do not be afraid !

Also, if you do it well, people will not feel that you have really changed. They will just say that you are more relax, or they get to know you better. Do not start saying “I will change after the school holidays” or crap like that … because this is the best way to procrastinate and never get started.

You will become more and more interesting and some girls will be on you (logical result of a personal development process). So if people criticize the fact that you want to improve, they are idiots. Leave them in their shit and prove them wrong!

You can already fuck

If it can cheer you up, be aware that if you are “almost normal”, there already surely are some girls who would willingly make out with you. That said, if it leads to anything concrete or if they are girls you do not like, it’s a bit useless to have admirers. But for confidence, it’s always good… it is still necessary that you learn to identify indicators of interest.

Improvements ideas in a closed environmental

If you pick up in this kind of environment, you have to go in a much softer way. So rather bet on the personal development and the fact of creating attraction passively.

To improve, start with your look (dress yourself better) and your body (eat better, play sports). You will attract more eyes and it will give you confidence.

There are many blogs that will help you find a good style for your age. If you are really lost, you can always hire a relooker. Stay still in a fairly simple style… if not, for once, you may be ridiculous for real.

Attitude is the most important. But do not overplay the “dominant male that makes prizing since he discovered the seduction community” that would be ridiculous. Rather, play it humble and accessible, especially at first. The same rules that make an alpha male sexy in an open environment work in closed environment. Try to become “funnier”, “cooler”… you can also work your analytical ability, your nerves and your ability to socialize.

You will become a “first letter of the Greek alphabet” male gradually. Especially if you are currently very reserved, you are not going to change overnight, otherwise it would sound fake. Take the time to develop your inner game that will eventually pair with your outer game.

Keep it simple

Keep it simple with sexual humor like with clothes: do not use too elaborate stuff otherwise you may only receive as answers puzzled looks. Especially do not take the risk of being a weirdo.

Continue to cultivate your seduction skills until you go out more. You can also work out on the field but when you’re young you’ve much less options. Because a guy of 25 years may fuck 17 years girls and 35 years old women without problems. But a 16 year old guy will struggle already to fuck 18 years girls. All in good time, so.

Above all, do not exercise on a large scale on a land that you are obligated to attend every day. This has too many drawbacks: the girls have more difficulty letting themselves go and you will be hanging a sex-starved reputation. On the other hand, on holiday for example, go for it!

In hindsight

I had friends (girls) in high school and college, I was not sleeping with them, who spoke frankly with me because I was almost sexless in their eyes. If you are also temporarily in this situation, take advantage of this opportunity! They will teach you a lot about the dark side of women, once there will not be other guys around and they can let go and say what they really think (especially as you will learn the good filters through the seduction community).

If I went back today to high school with what I know, I would be a hit, that’s for sure. But at the time, I had no notion of pick-up at all and I would have needed a ass kicking. So I think this is a chance for you to experience the game very young. The skills you will acquire in a closed environment will be useful in an open system too.

You are on the right track but you must adapt the material (the community is especially made for young men not for “children”)!

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What to do after a numclose?

What to do after a numcloseThe purpose of this article is to increase your chances of having a date after taking a number.

Once we took the number of a girl, it is assumed that both parties have expressed their interest. So we do not care if you took the number in direct or indirect mode.

The delay

The first important thing is to send a first text quickly. The day after you took the number, that’s good.

Why ? It confirms the impression that you have given her with your pick-up, it reminds you to her memory.

Structure of the first message

Hey ya (or funny nickname) + questions on what followed that day preferably with humor + quick hint to the best moment of the meeting + formula to say goodbye.

So “Hi little alcoholic. Did you manage to remember where you lived at the end of the party? If you’re nicer than last night and that you promise you won’t scratch me, I will accept to see you again. Kiss. Signed: the really cool guy who gave you a fry last night”


To say goodbye, you have a choice. For example :
– Tchuss (for the offbeat side if it is cool);
– Kisses (only if said it before (mirroring) if not it’s just needy + she will wonder what kind of kiss you’re talking about : it creates tension and makes her imagination work);
– I embrace you (if it’s a classy girl);
– I kiss you without the tongue (if you want to play it provocative);
– Bisous.

These are just ideas for you to understand the concept. Dare! Stand out from the mass! Prefer ambiguous stuff.

For your signature, do not necessarily remind her who you are, or do it in a nice way.

The choice of her nickname

If you tease her on something negative, she must understand that you are joking (or challenging) or it can make you lose one girl stupidly. Like “hello kinky girl, how are you?”

But, when it is soft and harmless, there’s no danger but it’s still a small effect. Like “hey the hot tea drinker, how’s your tongue ?”

Phone or SMS?

I do not think it necessary to call. You can, of course. But my phone game comes down to texts. Except sometimes just before the date, if we can’t find each other, I call her. But I find texting way less intrusive than calls.

Response time

If the girl did not respond 48 hours after your last message, consider that it’s over. So do not stress, because anyway, it’s dead. If she did not respond before the deadline, do not stress, some are long before reacting. Basically: never stress about it.

You should know that for our friends the women, consistency is not something innate. This is not because she was warm around you last night that she will also be warm with you the next day on the phone. Or that she will necessarily want to move the ass to see you again. That’s sad but that’s life…

Suggest a date

I do not often make a date proposal in the first message. I prefer to wait she answers before. Except in an emergency or if we had verbally agreed to quickly meet up at the moment of the numclose. But it’s better to do it when you have made some comfort before.

For writing an invitation, I like this kind of structure:

“So, pretty psycho. Do you feel like sharing a tea, on Friday or Saturday afternoon @ Bellecour? Do you think you have enough conversation for at least one hour? ;)”

How to effectively fix an appointment?

To schedule an appointment, four elements are essential to determine (if not it is just vague) :
– What day ? “Thursday or Friday ?” If the girl never can and does not even justify, it sucks… the sooner you can have a date, the better it is.
– What time or what time of day? “In the evening after work, around 7pm (around is better than at because it less stresses people)?”
– Where ? “I know a nice place where there is good wine, I hope you like it … (if not take into account what she says and propose something else but not 20 times if she says no to everything then too bad for her !)”
– A (false) time constraint: the goal here is that by reading between the lines  she understands that you are preparing an exit door and eventually to frustrate her. She must understand that she will have to assure if she wants sex. “I may have to join a buddy after…”

This is typically the kind of stuff they do so that’s weird from their point of view when men turn their weapons against them… But us, we find it funny!

You do not have to be a leader in this part of the interaction (she can choose the place or the time) but be determined, firm and effective. Firmly determine the conditions of the game, so there is no misunderstanding. For example, give a specific appointment “in front of Garibaldi’s escalators at 20:30…”

Why not adding a little teasing, like “make yourself beautiful” or sexualizing innocently (free interpretationin her mind) “If you’re late, you will have a punishment”?

Prevent flakes (prevention is better than waiting for nothing during 1 hour in the rain)

I send a confirmation SMS a few hours before a date, to be sure she won’t flake me. I send sometimes just simple thing, such a nice message asking if she’s okay.

If she does not answer or if she says she wants to cancel because something unexpected happened, I’m not going there. And I know there’s a 90% chance she lies. On the other, if she says everything is fine, I tease ” tonight, we’ll have fun” or something like that to warm her a bit, but with delicacy.

If it does not answer to your proposition

There’s the girls who are not at all sincere. They prefer to do answer instead of saying they are not interested (well that’s not too much of a problem). But some will even continue to talk to you to inflate their egos, just avoiding questions that do not suit them. For example “do you wanna meet up on Friday night?” If a girl ignores the question or vaguely replies that she will tell you later her decision, that it is a bad start, and the frame is not at all in your favor.

I like to pressure them a little to remind them that I am not a lambda dude “I proposed you to meet up Friday night, you have not answered yet. Someone else proposes me something, I wanted to know what we finally do on Friday before answering. ”

If she still does not answer, thank her for her politeness (irony). If she said no, without giving a reason, send a neg. Exit the interaction with the head in pride (but do not insult her).


This goes without saying : even a not really intelligent girl will prefer a guy who writes her correctly rather than an illiterate.

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Is your game sometimes paralyzed?

Is your game sometimes paralyzedKeyboard jockeys in the PUA language, are those guys who read tons of things about seduction, who publish a lot on forums but desperately lack of experience on the field. These guys have trouble understanding some of the problems that we sometimes encounter when moving from theory to practice.

For example, the problem we will discuss today: the paralysis of a game. After an opener, a few questions (or routines for those who like that), you have got a date. But during it, it’s panic. You do not know what to say or do. Time passes, it’s too late, you look stupid and you lose the girl. Theoretically, it should not happen but in practice this is sometimes the case.


You are sometimes paralyzed, but why?

*It can be a matter of inner game: you are afraid of not knowing what to say or do, you get stressed. From there, it is the decline, a fucking vicious circle, and you crashing.

*It can be a matter of outer game: you have no idea what is a game plan, you do not know how should flow phases between the opener and sex, maybe have not even read a method one day. It takes a lot of practice to succeed in the game, I agree, but you must know the theory too. If you do not know where you are in your game, you’ll hardly know what to do. And if you do not know what to say, the girl will rarely know it for you. Even if she likes you, there’s very little chance that it is the kind of girl who does the work for you. Instead, she’ll maybe just stop being interested in you. Once you have assimilated a good outer game you can afford to go faster because your intuition (shortcut based on skill) will be developed. Meanwhile, do not just use the haphazard techniques you read on forums.

*It can be a matter of emotional inflection: it does not work naturally, you are not able to connect on an emotional level with the girl. Normally, with friends or chicks you have dated, you ended “in the emotional” in one way or another. In short, if you stay at the facts, you’ll quickly be mute : Gwendoline is her name, she is 29 years old, she’s real estate agent, she lives in La Ciotat… OK, so what? This is not what is really important when it comes to seduction.

*It can be a game control question: if ever you face an unexpected objection, a cockblock coming out of nowhere, a chick-test very surprising and unsettling, etc. It is very hard to keep your cool when you lose control of your meta-frame or frame (the meta-frame it’s your personality, the frame it’s your interaction). It can actually lead to paralysis.


How to act against this paralysis of the game?

*Concerning the inner game, you have to be fit. To get back into good dynamic: either make lots of approaches in crash & burn mode or butterfly from group to group in a party or use anchors or be revalidated by your wings, or be hypnotized (I’m considering everything). Generally, the more you work on your strength of will, the less your strength of character will be vulnerable.

If you are in a bad dynamic in your life, you have to solve the problem. Sometimes having succeeded your studies or lifting the driving license is enough to give you a fucking good feeling. But conversely, missing something or feeling bad about your work or your private life may have a negative impact on your game. In fact, you release poorer wave if discomfort, decreasing your success. We can pick-up even in less good phases but it is more laborious. This is easier said than done, I know, but the idea is to engage in a virtuous circle.

If you suffer from the fear and self-fulfilling prophecy of losing your means, you can decide to work your conversational skills in bars or on the street for a few months. Otherwise, make some personal development, if you are not good for approaching people. Read the theory and everything before going to practice on the field in small doses, during enough time to take confidence. There are many interesting books on communication, which will help you definitely (eg VIP Coaching by Constant Winnerman).

If you do not feel like it’s for you when you are hitting on a pretty girl, just remember that you deserve your place with your good game. There’s also the chaos factor that plays in the fact that a pick-up works or not. That ultimately leaves very little place for you as an individual when you approach a girl. So realize that feeling of not being at your place with a sex bomb around has nothing to do with the reality of a pickup.

Being a sucker influence your game so you would lose points. Arrange so to add value to your wingmen and targets. And also of course, fulfill the prerequisite for socializing: washing, brushing teeth, dressing in a correct way that shows a minimum that you are in the game… etc.

I surely forget stuff but the idea is that if there’s a problem, find a solution and then apply. Do not make the ostrich! Accept the challenge and accept to work on it…


*Concerning the outer game, first take notes when you read my books or watch my seminar in order to have easy access to ideas for picking-up. Then make your own game plan, and act accordingly (read my translation of Game Acceleration to know what a game plan is)! No more passive readings, you invest now! It’s not just because you buy a book that all the knowledge of the author is transferred immediately into your brain. You must invest more than that, if not, I would clearly sell it €2,000  and not €20.

In fact, having the equipment in stock, it can compensate substantive gaps. It’s always the famous “fake it up until you fuck it make it.” When you have 10 ideas for each situation, the conversation paralysis must be done on purpose. By working upstream like that, your shortcomings will therefore not be visible and you will become confident. Your attractiveness will become real and authentic after a while! But we all must agree to start somewhere…

By reading books or watching videos (but quality stuff no commercial crap), you will increase your level of confidence that will take your inner game even farer away from further paralysis. But yeah, you must invest and invest yourself a minimum … we have something for nothing in life! We’ve all been there… If it were easy, we’d all be PUAs, we would not be only a few dozen in France who have that title.

I wrote an ebook almost one year ago with only quality ready-to-use lines. Well, I do not ask you to be a parrot, but at least read it to have something to use when you’re not inspired. Thus, you will not be paralyzed. Of course, you must be willing to try the stuff you read too. This kind of stuff is not made to remain only in the books : “You have a boyfriend, well that’s cool, he will press oranges and will serve us the juice in the morning?”.

Of course, you need stuff that are congruent with yourself. But the real you (the one who has balls), not the inhibited version you may now present to women. Most of my stuff is homemade, but before that, I went through a phase in which I used the material of others. And it does not matter, there’s no shame in that. Because if a girl is laughing for ten minutes, if you fail at your last sentence, we probably won’t identify it. And even if she sees it, the first impression will surely be good enough to make her don’t care and be indulgent. Then again, you will understand what kind of stuff works and what kind of stuff is ridiculous. For that, yes, you must test on the field what you read…


*Concerning emotional inflection, it is a very difficult problem. One senses that something is wrong, but not really knows how to make up for it.

We, men, need few things to be OK to have sex. For girls, it’s a little similar, but they are not looking for the same things as us.

Emotions: this is what will make women want. It’s like the fact that they love shoes. We cannot do anything about that, so either you accept and you adapt or you just sleep with few girls in your life (and not terrible ones) or you become a monk.

Finally, now that I understood the thing, I think it is not that difficult to make them feel emotions. It’s just a hand to take. Have fun: tease her, tickle her, intrigue her, push and pull, try to create complicity with her by commenting humorously people around (like if it was you against the rest of the world).

Otherwise, talk about things that make you vibrate like your sport, travels, etc. Do a bit of story-telling about that. Try to train yourself to move from factual to emotional.

Easiest: let her talk about what she likes and what she is interested in, let her qualify. Make small games or magic tricks. Anything that can make her live positive emotions is worth taking. If you have trouble (or fear of) entering the emotional domain, first try to get her in.

Play on the alternation of different emotions, use transgenerational conversation topics like sex scandals, games. Finally, of course, create some rapport : you know, it’s that thing that makes you get along with someone (mirroring, commonalities, etc.)

The girl has to go in her mind from “this boy is vaguely attractive” to “I absolutely want to fuck him.”

Again, sorry but it will take work. Just like your outer game. Read my translation of Ross Jeffries for quality leads.

Ask her if she is happy to see you. Yes, it’s against-intuitive but talk to her about these topics that make you end up fucking together. Think from now more like an alpha PUA than a lambda AFC.


*Concerning the loss of control of the pick-up and of the frame it’s also difficult to manage. The unusual objection, the a bit too bitchy response, the AMOG, the girl very direct who wants to fuck you thought you were just going to take her number and see her again later, etc. Many things can cause us to lose control of a pick-up: what I say is right for an AFC like for a PUA, by the way.

It is of course obvious to we need to put our truck in the track. For this, we must ensure our meta frame, regardless of our school. The main ones :
– She must earn the reward;
– I must demonstrate good value for survival and reproduction;
– Etc.

A frame violently imposed can blow your meta-frame. So make the point with yourself. What is your meta-frame? React according to now. Use default answer, zap the obstacle, DHV, use your stock of lines or techniques, if you have demonstrated enough value you can give her indicators of disinterest to drive her crazy.

You can also consider the reactions of a character that suits you such as the PUA, the little devil on the shoulder, the mysterious guy, the challenger, etc. A lot of usable characters ideas for inspiration are available in an ebook that I give for free when registering for my newsletter.

Do not doubt your meta-frame. When telescoping, only the highest frame survives. You should bring yours with you everywhere. Enjoy some opposition between your respective frames. Instead, if you doubt, chances are you will be eaten (and not your cock).

With a minimum of replicas and techniques in stock, you can go beyond that stage of the destabilization phase (which can be a conscious or unconscious test). You can do it, you can seduce her… if you do not lose your means.

What I recommend is to combine the signals in our head we have a problem of this type with a positive mental dynamics leading to successful reactions. Program yourself like that! Rather the desire to play and the provocation than the allowance and acceptance of failure. Go back quickly in a positive dynamic and anchor this new habit so that the right answers come to you naturally and so you can erase bad habits.

The paralysis of a game, I do not think it’s on the field that we can work on it in depth. It is at home that one is getting ready the more effectively.

As you prepare properly, you will have significantly better results and more fun. It’s hard to know where to start, that’s why I made a plan. Other thing, try to find with what you are ready or not and how get more ready. But in any case, do not do things by halves. It not good, seriously… If you want to be a PUA, go all out and do not skimp on ways !!! It’s called just the will… I’m chewing your work with the best will in the world, but some do not understand that I can’t approach and fuck for them (I’d love to but I can’t do everything for them)…

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The (scandalous) syndrome of the bitch

Today we will talk about the (common) syndrome of the bitch that makes many guys suffer daily even if they can’t name it.


How does it manifests, this shit?

If you are active on the field, you’ve probably had to deal with girls who had this syndrome: a 5/10 that rejects you wickedly, a 6/10 that makes fun of you and lead you down the garden path or a 7/10 that orders you to leave her alone even before you have opened your mouth to talk. In bitches, I also put the 4/10 that prevent their pretty friends kiss… jealous!

Many women are haughty, pretentious and rude in France. I do not know if they realize it but they talk to us most often like if we were shit until we prove otherwise. This is a real social problem. And it is getting worse. So much that, now, when a woman politely replies that she is not interested, it’s very surprising. We’re almost glad to do not be barking over or ignored royally. Basically, not being interested should not prevent a woman from remaining courteous. Like being rejected should not prevent a man from remaining correct and polite. We do not live in the jungle… but the world is not right either.

Normally the bitch shield is a defense mechanism that sex bombs use to not be stressed all the time by wimps. It’s like the Protoss shield that protects they from the first enemy attack: they adopt a bitchy behavior to keep away those who have no balls. But why some 5/10 do adopt bitchy behaviors even if they want a dick in this case? The poor ugly girls already are very lucky that you are flirting with them (even if you just do that during your warm-up phase). And yet… instead of being happy and seizing their chance, they behave like bitches. That’s the bitch syndrome. Knowing that, very often, these girls are not real bitches in fact.

5/10 do not support very well negs, it works better with a hottie who has a bitch shield. Which brings me to the conclusion that these girls do not really have a bitch shield. This is just something that looks like it… like if they wanted to do like the hot girls or like those they see on TV, without thinking.

Snapping women should understand that it does not make them more sexy to play the bitches (I would not fuck Camille Cottin). In spite of that, it makes you want to blow off steam by smashing their ass in doggy style but without respecting them, which is not what they want, I guess. In fact, we say to ourselves she’s ugly, cold and stupid, next! All the girls are not Blair Waldorf…

The problem is that if you do not accept this and you speak like that in a trendy place and you reframe them as they deserve: You might being kicked out by the security guards if they make a scene. Indeed, people will always tend to give reason for women in this kind of situation. You’re just an asshole because you are a guy speaking coldly to a poor defenseless woman.

Be careful not to confuse the bitch syndrome with the fact that maybe you approach like a riffraff, that you are not confident, or you’re dressed like an accountant in the 70’s. If the rejection is what you inspire almost every girl (the cute like the uglies), then you have a problem, not them. If you are a loser, take classes on the blog. ALL the girls do not suffer from this syndrome either… don’t be paranoiac!


Where does the bitch syndrome come from ? Mars or Venus?

We do not live in a Hollywood movie. The girls that are worth 9/10 physically speaking, I do not see even one a month and yet I am on the lookout. Yet girls farting higher than their ass and who are ready to act in a condescending with me, I see every day. I wonder if this is not a fad, a game or a consequence of those fierce feminist campaigns against pick-up artists.

In fact, it’s not just the beauty that is rare. People who feel good about themselves and individuals socially well calibrated are even rarer in France than elsewhere. This is due to our culture that is based on fear and assistantship. Now the bad beliefs of the Average Frustrated Chump and the way of acting of riffraff contribute to the fact that women are as regularly approached in our country as elsewhere. Or even more. And in a way that is often far from pleasant for them. What does enter in contradiction with the fact that women are not confident and strengthen the fact they do not like themselves.

The constant stress and the lifestyle in general in the big cities make so that the French, on average, have a less natural tendency to socialize than girls in other countries.

Finally, the social frame that fact that women are regarded as goddesses who would be the “Super Prize” is very well established.

Of course, other things much simpler can result in a girl who can’t afford on it behaves like a bitch: a guy cheated on her and dumbed her recently, she had a bad day, she’s in a bad way, etc.

The syndrome occurs mainly in young people, students, low social status girls, women who do not have much money, Parisian, people from Aix-en-Provence and the idiots…


What are the root causes of evil?

The two main root causes of the syndrome are:
– Low or fake self-esteem;
– The negative reaction to your approach.

Self-esteem is composed of three things:
– The level of happiness;
– The self-confidence ;
– The well-being.

The following is the description of complex and varied psychological mechanisms behind the bitch syndrome spreads in our female population.

If the girl is ill at ease, she may want to project her malaise and thus prevent others from being happy (her girlfriends like the guys who approach her).

If the girl is not confident, she can narcissistically prefer you to fail. Indeed, the protection of ego, it is safer and easier. If the PUA communicates a strong survival value and replication: the girl who is not confident will not take the risk of being rejected or being dumped. She will therefore take her dose of ego and reject the guy herself preventively.

Of course, it is possible that girls do pretend to have tremendous confidence in them or a very high opinion of themselves while this is not true. Or are in a period when they feel too much confident but it is only temporary. But overall, behind an unjustified bitchy and repeatedly attitude, is hiding some discomfort and a lack of confidence. Or at least something that sounds wrong to that level. Like some manic depression.

The girls may also criticize your pickup while it is not so bad. They can be very creative when it comes to finding ways to make you feel bad. They will try to fuck up your pickup momentum, your motivation, your morale… There are diverse degrees of gradation: it can go from girl who refuses contact and crosses her arms to girls who will directly attack our physical appearance or our approach. The diagnostic element is the disproportionate and unfair aspect of her reaction.

The bitch syndrome can manifest itself even in the case of an indirect approach. Even if you do not show your interest. Often an indirect approach on a Low Self-Esteem triggers this type of reasoning “he is not approaching me because he likes me => one more asshole => I feel bad => I’ll play the bitch to save the face.” To minimize the likelihood of facing these ego reactions, prefer an intriguing opener or a semi-direct one (show your desire to meet her without initially showing sexual interest but do not deny it either).

A bitch syndrome can occur after a long good time. For example, in the ugly girl, once she understood that you wanted to fuck her pretty girlfriend and not her since the beginning.

You may in fact even be dealing with a syndrome of the bitch with a 9 (but rarely, above 8 it’s rather a bitch shied). Do not rely on the physical of the girl. What is happening in their heads is sometimes surprising. Some girls are very hot but are not at all confident. A 9 even cried after I teased her too much. The poor had no bitch shield and saw herself as a 6…


What solutions do we have to survive and reproduce in a so hard world?

Theoretically, we have three possible causes of the syndrome of the bitch, and as much ways of action :
– Low self-confidence;
– Low level of well-being;
– Temporary/superficial boost of ego.

Above all, remember that playing the bitch is a form of test. You will still be judged on how you manage it. By the girl or by people around…

The syndrome is linked to negative emotion that you have caused or whether due to a malfunction in her head. So try to change her feeling or the way of thinking of the girl.

Do not hesitate to ask her directly, to verbalize the discomfort you feel. Why does she react like that when, in your viewpoint, you have been courteous? She will either calm down and understand that she is dealing with an intelligent or she will explode (next in this case).

Try to reframe her negative reaction to bring the communication to more positive things.

Put her more comfortable. With platitudes, your body language or mirroring. The goal is to establish complicity with the girl.


*Low level of confidence:

To diagnose it, see if she is able to look at you in the eyes. If she looks much her feet. If she talks a lot nervously (or is nervously mute). If she makes you weird blame. If she protects her ego. Try to detect any form of narcissism. Analyze if the notion of loss appears in hers speech. Does she have a tendency to flee or an instinctual behavior?

If so, try to put yourself in range.

You can try to label her: “Hey, you do not look in your plate I’m sure you’re a good girl and you do not treat people who have not deserved it so badly normally…”

Optionally, try to make her verbalize what she needs to be reassured (but do not say it’s a lack of confidence that you’re trying to explain). You have to see if it’s at a physical or intellectual level, for example…

“Hey, if I approached you it’s because I like you so do not talk to me like that…” (An indicator of interest often changes the mood of the girl and therefore the issues of interaction).

However, be careful : some chicks are psychologically devastated, they are pathological LSE. If you go against their certainty of being crap, you will not score points, on the contrary. The inconsistency in their mind could make them trip. Prefer listening carefully and direct her to the fact that she has the right to enjoy life too.


*Low level of well-being:

To diagnose it, see if the girls project her unease, complains, manifest anger or sadness, depression.

If so, listen to their problems and sympathize a little (not for hours). Then, offer a different dynamic, a quick succession of emotions, to lead to a more conducive to orgasms universe.

“Hey, your goldfish did drowned or what?” (A dose of teasing fun is always good)

“All you sexfriends have dumbed you on the same day that’s why you’re sulking? Do not worry, we’ll find you some new and better ones! ;)”


*Girls who come to boost their ego through the environment:

To diagnose it, see if the girl is in a competitive environment, has a yard of suitors. Lots of makeup. If in addition, your wingmen tell you they would not have approached her in the street, you’re facing a case of girl who plays above her means…

This is, unfortunately, very common in clubs. I think we should do the opposite of the other guys in these situations: let’s communicate that we are not sex-starved. Try to create a bit of complicity or rapport. Why not giving her a small validation, or on the contrary a light disqualification which would actually be a bait to make her react and try to revalidate ?

“Mmm I feel that this guy over there is on you. You’re a lucky slut… He will offer you a lot of flowers and chocolates …”

“You’re smart, you’ll drink for free tonight thanks to all these losers who approached you…”

In the case of a “spontaneous” confidence that has no particular reason and that is not due to any competition nor anything, you can attack directly asking her to qualify (you challenge her). It works even if she just ignored you…

“Uh… You look very confidence. Is there a particular reason for that?” You will see what  is in her mud pot (no pun intended).


*Girls who come to boost their ego with the situation:

If it’s her birthday, if she is drunk, if she just landed a promotion… More generally, these girls spit us their (pseudo) wellness in the face. They may even believe that they can fuck who they want.

In this case, ignoring the bitchy syndrome is a very effective tactic. Play with it (since in fact they are looking for the welfare they do not really enjoy in their daily life).

Most of the time, listening and diverting the interaction, it’s enough. Except if they are very high.

“Wow looks like you’re having a lot of fun… Are you celebrating the release of the new season of Girls on DVD?”

Then look for the report in her reply to consolidate her need to boost her ego, before moving on a common fun to create complicity. We always come back here, in fact.

The goal is to reduce her to an adequate level of confidence and self-esteem for her to let it go. You must also demonstrate that you are within range in terms of value (not too superior but not inferior). Basically, if she really believes she’s too good for you or if she thinks she is not good enough for you in fact, you have to somehow bring her to a gamable level through your communication.

My final tip: never put comfort without attraction (this is called the nice guy’s trap).

I hope this was understandable because these are difficult concepts to explain, my darlings. Big up! <3

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Find out the new hybrid openers !

Find out the new hybrid openers !I never really recognized myself in the three main types of openers traditionally identified:
– Direct;
– Contextual (or situational);
– Indirect.

I am often told that I am a direct player, but this is not correct. It’s true that it looks like it but it’s not really direct game. So I will talk about other types of openers I use: these are mixed openers.


Let’s remember the definition of the types of standard opener.

1 / Direct

Definition: We show our interest from the start, and we justify our approach by our interest. The compliment one does (or indicator of interest verbalized) is thus mostly the reason for our approach.

Goodies: it is fun, it marks the spirits, it communicates that we have big balls. There is no ambiguity, we get the answer of the girl almost immediately, it can go very fast into her bed.

Cons: it forces the choice before we can really attract the girl. So we lose a lot of targets (that we would not necessarily have seduced by being indirect). But by saving time, we can try our luck on more targets).

Example: “Hi, I think you’re cute.”

2 / Contextual

Definition: We open with something that just happened or relative to a personalized note that the girl inspires us (for example : her dress).

Goodies: it avoids the generic answers they give to guys (but not the bitch shield), they experience less social pressure because answering you is more justified than with a basic opener, we do not really declare our interest but that remains ambiguous, chicks think that we are “spontaneous”.

Cons: it requires effort, you have to be inventive.

Example: “Attention! The aliens have landed on your head! (If she wears a hat)”

3 / Indirect

Definition: This is when we (claim that we) approach a set for another reason than for their ass.

Goodies: it gives time to attract girls that were not open at the beginning, it is less subject to bitch shield and other unpleasant reactions, we do not look too “sex-starved” when we butterfly several groups in a bar by approaching like that.

Cons: not very sexual and it is time consuming, especially if we fall on chicks that will not be interested even if we stay during 1h with them.

Example: “Hi, I’m looking a gift for my sister. Could you give me your opinion on something?”


By reading again my diary, I realize that I sometimes struggle to classify my openers in one of these categories.

These are often openers that suit me and I judge objectively more powerful because they are hybrids.

They intrigue the girls, blow hot and cold (push&pull), make them want to validate me for my originality. Indeed, a PUA is not like everyone else, he stands out from the mass.


The new types of openers that I offer are as follows.

4 / The almost direct

It is when we manifest our interest to meet her, without implying anything sexual. In fact, interest is potential here : we have to talk to them but nothing is won in advance for them.

We keep the advantage of the direct (except for the stupid girls, most know very well that our interest is sexual in a way or another) and take some benefits of the indirect. However, here, we do not show any lack of interest, unlike with the indirect.

Examples: “Hi, are you Swedish? ”


“Hi, you have a lot of tattoos?
– Yes, I have tattoos everywhere.
– Would you like to come to my place to show me all your tattoos?”


“Hey, how are you ?
– Fine.
– Do you want to feel even better ? (with a kiss)”


“Hi, you’ve got something over the lip! “(Piercing)

but not

“You with your nose ring you’re a mad cow …”

Goodies: it’s pretty pushy, it allows easy sexualization in two times with chicks who would not let us sexualize directly, we do not really take rake even if they zap us this way.

5 / The cocky & funny

It is the mix of a cocky approach, almost arrogant, with humor so that it goes better.

“Hey, I’m sure that by coming here, you did not think you would find yourself next to such a sexy guy …”

Goodies: communicates value, disorients the target and the underlying humor disarms most resistances that could have involved arrogance, does not validate the target in advance because it raises the frame that we have a high value, make funny women want to play.

If we can do it with a good body language, this type of opener may be very powerful. The frame is clear, the opener is sexual, it’s original. Baby, I like it !!!

Cons: sometimes we find ourselves faced with big shit-tests. The more we show confidence, the more we take the risk to be tested or rejected violently.

6 / The teaser opener

“I was hitting on you and then I saw your shoes and I thought it would not be possible between us.”

“What did you told him to scare him like that?” (When a guy who tried to pick her up was rejected and left)” You looked good though. ”

“You got no friends?” (Girl alone)” Too bad, you seemed interesting from afar.”

Push then pull. What makes this type of opener powerful is that the fairer sex is often obsessed with validation. Besides, she can deserve our validation this way: she is obliged to be nice to be validated.

Please note, we do not attack physically or on something she has not consciously chosen. And we always leave her a chance to revalidate herself by being comely.

7 / Fast seduction

“Hi, would you like to kiss me?”

It has a playful side, and it shows that we have a lot of nerve. The result of this type of opener depends greatly on how it is done, of our modjo in the moment, on the context and finally on our belief and our real desire.

On a misunderstanding, one can pickup chicks anywhere, anyhow and anytime.

“Hi, you’re sweating, would you like to come over and take a shower with me?”

On the other hand, we must have a strong inner game because if the results can be amazing, rejections are sometimes very violent.

The border between an ultra-confident guy and a desperate sex-starved guy is fine. Keep perspective on yourself when you do that!


Finally, we should not forget one thing: how we approach a girl is not everything. Some appreciate a guy with assumed intentions, others prefer to close their eyes. From a girl to another, the same technique does not work the same way. It is the chaos factor that can not be controlled (especially with mass pickup approaches). The way we present ourselves then is far more important than what is said when approaching. What will give us her attention, it’s whether or not we look like a healthy guy she can trust a minimum and that excites her a minimum anyway. The opener is like the title of this article, but the content is the most important (although some will click just for the picture that illustrates the article).


I hope you enjoyed it, please leave ideas of opener in the comments. And you, how do you approach?

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First year of pick-up and learning curve

The learning curve is a concept that comes from the world of business. I will try to explain it simply and then to connect it to the game.

Industrial Definition: At the start of the production of a new product, it is the graph showing the rate of increase in productivity, that is to say, non-linear decrease of labor time per unit as is increasing the number of units produced, labor mastering better and better the job.

What has this got to do with the game?

During the first year of pickup, we do not yet master our subject, we do not know everything (far from it) but we start having results (normally).

The problem is, that even after one year, we usually still have no idea of ​​our true potential. We do not understand all the ins and outs of the game theories. We can also go through phases of stagnation that make us believe that we have reached our maximum.

That said, we must be active to improve our game. It does not just happen miraculously. We have to, for example, find new authors that we like to inspire us and give us new perspectives. I have repeatedly stagnated and it is every time a new author who revived me. I tested without judgment what he proposed and I saw what it could do for my game style. This may be abused to say this but I think that even if something does not help us, knowing that it is not done for us brings us forward since we all the same realize that this is not the direction that you want to take (do not buy things that are obviously shit all the same). When you discover something new (and credible), ask yourself where it comes from, how it works, why it works and if it can give you something new. Try to find something that suits you and listen with humility those who are officers in pickup.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen guys selling out themselves and starting a “serious” story with chicks they certainly would never have touched before the game (they were virgins) but who do not happen to their ankle.

In other words, given their past, they still have low requirements. While their potential yet allows them to get much better. There’s a difference in the value of men and women, so it’s very easy for a girl to make a profit like that. Well, after all, that’s their problem and good for the girls… but I am a guy so I help my fellowmen. Personally, there are a few girls that I fucked at the beginning but that I  would not fuck if I met them today.

Sometimes guys have low requirements because their friends do not bang chicks either: they are in a sexless environment so any girl drives them crazy. I advise you to do not to rely on what people in general do, but on what you want to do. And give yourself the means! Average people have average requirements. Not you, I hope.

The solution ?

The idea here is to firmly decide that we will not make a serious couple during our first year of apprenticeship (at least). We need a strong will and a lot of discipline to stick to it because temptations are many. The biggest risk is the one itis, the couple by default and the misalliance. But remember that it is better to be alone than in bad company (if you fuck chicks anyway) and that keeping cool will ensure you avoid a lot of crap. For example, do not leave your friends, your job, your country or I-don’t-know-what for a girl you barely know especially if she does not meet ALL your criteria (if you have some). Keeping people away from their roots weakens psychologically so they can better be manipulated. Having a girlfriend at any cost is not an end in itself if we are an alpha male !!!

So much the better if your goal was to have a girl… but isn’t it frustrating to say that you could have done MUCH better with A LITTLE more effort? This is where the concept of learning curve comes in. The hardest part is the beginning, a little bit like musculation. After, it we are still improving, but more slowly. Except that we have behind us a solid background now. If we simply practice a little, we may think we know what the game is while not at all. And especially we may not improve as much as we could have if we had stayed in the community a little longer. Giving up is a shame especially if you have invested time and energy in the beginning! The game, it works. Provided you accept to forget what you think you know. Agree to change in everything (refuse your ego protects you). And finally, Provided you enter a process built by taking yourself as an internal reference. Be happy with your progress but continue to ask yourself for results more objectively “very satisfactory”.

The only downside is if you cross miraculously a truly extraordinary woman at the beginning of your journey in the seduction community and that you are able to seduce her. Should you continue to improve your game or rather should you seize this chance and make your life with? Knowing that in general, we just improve our game to get extraordinary chicks. It is a choice to make: multiple experiences or very good quality ? Fortunately, the chances that this happens to you are low anyway… because chances increase when you increase the number of meetings you do. Ideally, I recommend to experiment a little (at least a dozen FC) before getting a couple because you should stay alpha in your couple. This is again the concept: adventure or comfort zone?

So keep some flexibility (better for the girl if she manages to make us change our minds) but the line should be: no couple during the first year of pickup. We must give ourselves the time to change. Because one could too easily be blinded by a girl and miss others that are better. In fact, if you make a couple with a girl, there are inevitably girls you’ll not pickup. What if the woman of your life was just one of those? It would stupid… Finally we could too easily believe that we know what a real hot babe is when in fact we would have never fucked one.

After all, everyone’s objectives. And all the better if you reach them. But I speak for those who have ambitious goals and for those who want to become PUA. Not for those who want fuck ugly chicks all their life nor for those who just want to settle down quietly.

Don’t be naive, the great paradox of the game is and will probably always be, “she said she would have preferred if I wasn’t a player (because it pisses her off I am a flirty) but if I was not a player we would probably haven’t met (because we had to make it happen) or she would not have kept me (I would not have been so good in bed).” The game is a personal development process so we therefore inevitably improves and it pays off. But we are not all equal as we face seduction improvement like we are not as we face weight gain.

If she does not totally satisfy you physically, if you do not see yourself with her in 10 years, if she is a pain in the ass a little bit too often : then she is probably not the one and it is perhaps better to break up now rather than waiting for years of decline knowing it would hurt even more (great upheaval in the habits).

Even if we leave aside the concept of “extraordinary woman”, know that will a little personal investment everyone deserves a feminine girl who takes care of her, who is not too much a pain in the ass, who do not treat us like shit, who is nice, not stupid, who takes us a little bit up and with whom we do not get bored.

Courage : the journey is as interesting as the end. I leave you with two great philosophers, Orelsan “All the better if the road is long
we will can make more detours”
and his buddy Gringe “I have to flee my city and crannies
To know what tomorrow looks like
Nobody wishes me good luck
But I will not spend my life wondering when it starts.”

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Women, charm and money

Women, charm and moneyShame on those who use their charm for sale !

Today I want to denounce a reality that bothers me for a long time! I speak of an inequality that hurts many men while some women enjoy it unscrupulously. I may be like an old bitter in the text but never mind…

Women do not want to be thought of as whores so they do not pick up guys. On the other hand, using their charm to push guys to consumption, often for other men, does not bother them. What does a whore again? Oh yes, she sells her charms…

I think of those who distribute flyers in the street for bars. They are often cute chicks, like most of the time are hostesses and barmaids. Why cuties? Because guys tend to consume more to “please” the girl or to “impress” her. And that’s it, the trap!

The owners of these institutions play on the fact that guys are usually sex-starved. So they send beautiful girls meeting them for the benefit of their bar or of their club. But if you’re a flirty and want to take the girl’s number, then in this case, no way!

A friend was handing out flyers for a bar in Aix, and her boss had told her to do not give her number to the guys hitting on her. Same thing for a waitress girlfriend: it was forbidden to make out with customers! So this is the hidden face of this practice.

Why forbidding them to enjoy with clients? Because if customers want to see again the girl who talked to them normally but has made eyes to them casually, they will have to come in the establishment and consume!

As a man, you tend to have more difficulty in refusing to take an extra glass when it is a cute girl who asks you if you want another drink than when it’s a fat bearded disgusting guy who asks the same thing.

I sometimes have fun when I am approached by this kind of girls, telling them, “do you want to give me your number and hang out with me?” There often, they use a crappy excuse like “I have no number” (it’s like : what’s your name ? I have no name.) And so I can tell them, “well then see you soon darling bye bye.” If you bypass its ambiguity with the charm, she is disarmed.

It’s like those who come for club parties, the so-called Public Relations… Often these are relatively hot dumb. When they try to charm me or anything so I buy them a pack with a bottle of whiskey (€150), I lean towards them and do like if I wanted to kiss them.

Basically I often do not take into account what they offer me and I act like if they approached me to pick me up. I can tell you that they feel stupid !!! Their strategy is basically to talk to you sensually to charm you but to say things that are not really compromising. For example, if you start trying to pick them up in a soft way, they often say something like “haha yes we surely meet up again at the party then”;)

Well, seriously, they must be reframed! Coming up and using charms on guys, counting on the fact they are a bit unlucky in love, and then letting them hope that it might perhaps happen something at the party so they come and pay their entry… I think it’s disgusting! Especially that they know very well that nothing will happen with the guys in question, I guess they do the same thing on 20 men per day!

The best way to do not be manipulated this way, is to always separate the proposal itself and the person making the proposal. Basically, study the plan as objectively as possible. And test the girl too: if you see that she knows there will never be anything with you but she does not want to tell you so you buy her stuff, do not buy it. Do not put an ultimatum to her or anything, just change the subject and try to determine if she is interested or if she dishonestly uses her charm (I am not speaking here of women who just do their saleswoman job and who do not overdo it). Do not be a cash cow !!! In case of doubt, do not spend money and in any case never buy something you don’t want to buy/you will never use…

Thus, in my reality, one can very well have sex with me even if I do not buy her product. Moreover, I am not a sucker who is easily manipulated by his dick. In fact it is really this: chicks see almost all of us as suckers. I cannot count the number of women I observed approaching guys to get free drinks. Then, once the free drink in hand, “bye bye I’ll go back with my friends.”

I am aware that girls use their charm in all the areas of life. And sometimes, there’s nothing to complain about. One woman who works with me now told me: “I play on the fact that I am a girl. I glance at them, I act like if I was very happy when I see my clients, and so I am more appreciated. Anyway, that’s how everything works.”

I do not put the blame on this girl, good for her if it works! Still, how idiot are the lambda men !!! And even then, for her, it should not be cool to be more appreciated for her legs and her ass than for her work.

I guess the girls are also more receptive when the guy who wants to sell them something is handsome… but still, I do not think they are as blinded as are most guys.

In conclusion, I advise you to never do anything you do not want to do, even if it’s a pretty girl who proposes it. If you do not want to go clubbing, nor to drink alcohol, do not let women force your hand. Impose your reality (but do not be totally rigid anyway – I hate people who spend their time giving lessons). I never pay drinks to unknown with the hope they kiss me or they go back home with me. I only do it if I decided to do this because they deserved it in a way or another.

Before finishing, it reminds me a final anecdote. A friend in Aix, a schoolgirl, went on the Cours Mirabeau and proposed to guys “€5 for kissing me”. “Damn, she made almost € 100 that night !!! It’s crazy… Especially that she chose the guys she asked to so she chose guy she liked then she really did not force herself. She was earning as much as the guy but the balance still was “THE GUY + MONEY = HER”. It’s really hard… accepting such an unbalanced frame just shows that the guy has a mindset of beta male. I would have told her : we can kiss for free if you want!

In short, if I managed to get you thinking about some stuff, I’m happy. My goal through this article is to help you to never be bamboozled by a tease. Never pay for love… unless you’re old and ugly… and even in this case, it’s hardcore!

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Why women don’t reply to you anymore ?

Why women don’t reply to you anymore

A friend asked me this question: “damn, why don’t they answer to my text after the first date ?”

I dug a little bit more the issue and he said: “No, I’m did not try to kiss them nor anything, I’m a gentleman, I let time take its course.”

You should know that the fact that you have not tried anything may disappoint some girls and get them to stop talking to you, without giving you any explanation. It must be understood that it is better to try it all out when the girl is in front of you rather than hoping a hypothetic future date.

Waiting probably reassures you and everything, and you justify it to yourself by saying that you want to look like a gentleman. But from their point of view they may very well think (and this is often the case), “but he is a non-testicled guy who do not even dare to kiss me I’m wasting my time with a guy who has lost his balls”.

Of course, they can also not answer you because you did something they did not like it during the appointment. But that, in general, you will feel during it the date anyway.

There are too many guys who hope that girls do not respond because they have read in a book they must make the boy struggle even if he is liked. But frankly, if it’s a twisted girl like that, it’s better to give up right now.

Regarding the delay, let’s say after 24 hours without response, we can consider that it’s dead. Some respond directly and immediately, others reply once or twice a day, that, that does not mean anything… it depends on personalities. Better analyze the content of the answers: if you are the last wheel of the cart or if she blocks when you sexualize a little, it starts badly, and it seems to me more profitable to focus on other targets.

Granted, they have some good light. As long as they are hot, they just have to sit down and be seduced without saying too much shit (and the sponge is passed over some stuff anyway). So it’s easier for a sexy girl to decide she’ll next a guy than for a guy to decide he’ll next a girl. And of course, to top it all, they often do it without giving you any explanation: perhaps because they are not sure themselves, perhaps to do not offend you, perhaps because you said a wrong word and they are super rigid but do not want to recognize and prefer dreaming, maybe something let them think it is you who do not like them enough and they do not want to take any risk of a refusal or that you do not answer, maybe they next 10 guys a week so it would take them too long to justify every time (even if it would help us and make us improve – the polished girls, it’s something rare).

However, we at least better control our sex life than them : because by moving his ass, one can find plenty of new targets. They, on their side, can only choose among those who flirt with her. Granted again, a beautiful woman who would assume to pick up and approach would be the queen of cum oil… but it’s not yet returned in manners in France.

I then looked at the texts of my buddy. By trying to do too much to seduce, his texting was finally just weird. He went too far in his jokes, was doing too much, etc. When in doubt, keep it simple. I have often sent “well then, I said something that shocked you or what?” Quite simply. And it sometimes revived the conversation.

After a date, I usually do not write. I expect they send me a text to show me their interest and this way I will not appear needy. I do not remember that it has already bear fruits (for me) to revive a conversation with a girl who had not sent any text message after our first date. Nor even to insist too hardly to see a girl who induces you to pray her. Anyway, they know very well that it is their role to appear receptive and they’ll do it (often even the LSE – low self esteem – will do so and if not too bad for them). By doing this, at least, we can leave the interaction with the head high by not giving her the image of a guy sex-starved submitted crawling underfoot capricious bitches. We respect ourselves, us!

After a numclose, I am writing in general relatively quickly unless I really do not have time. I do not write immediately in the wake unless I have a really good thing to say, but I do it in the following 24 hours that’s for sure. In addition, it allows me to see if, by chance, I would not have met a chick who assumes to make the first call. I therefore also test her motivation. Anyway, the famous trick ie waiting two days before calling her back is really cliché! But, letting them wait between your responses (like they do with you or longer), it’s cool.

As for sexual initiatives, it is often better to go too fast rather than too slowly with the communication means. But be careful to do too much pressure them!

About what to do when they do not respond or not anymore: I try once with humor like “Orange cut your subscription and that’s why you do not answer me or what?” Or “My last message was so a shit that you do not reply ? ;)”

If they still do not answer and I’m motivated, I confronted like “well then, my message made you afraid or what? I did not think you were that shy…” or “so then you, as soon as one makes a joke you stop answering, yet you looked like a smart girl who understand the second degree humor…”

Finally, in case of despair, I send the message of the last chance.

In Secrets for seducing on the Internet, you will find examples of messages to revive your interactions and the message of the last chance that allowed me to get some blows that seemed dead and buried. About my way of reviving conversations and confronting girls there are practical examples in More than 1000 sexy alpha funny lines!

It must be understood that a girl may simply have forgotten to respond. For example, if you wrote her when she was falling asleep: the next morning, she will no longer be notified that she has received a message and if she did not respond at the moment, it can easily get lost in the bit-bucket. Especially if she does not really know you yet and is not yet fully on you!

Or she had a guy for when she nexted you but it did not work with him. Do not dream, they almost never come back to you by themselves. That’s why the stimulus messages can be helpful and save some pussies. It all depends on why they have not answered. But that, we cannot guess.

The confrontation messages allow to prick their egos and push them to say what’s wrong. Again, there’s those that submit to you (or willing to challenge themselves) and those who will get blocked (and will insult you by principle).

The message of the last chance is longer and quite argues, which can convince those who were not very motivated (or inspired) to meet you at the beginning. For example, if they had misinterpreted your text or if they did not understand your humor. Because yeah, there are people who next guys for nothing. In addition, this message of the last chance reveals things about you that they would not necessarily dare to ask you… but they are interested by the answer eg “I am not a premature ejaculator, I do not have a micro-penis … ;)”

I wish you good luck for your study of the functioning of the weaker sex fair sex!

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Last Minute Resistance & Rape

Last Minute Resistance & RapePart 1: Last Minute Resistance


A/ Definition

A LMR is something rather difficult to define in absolute terms.

This is for example, when you’re both in underwear and the girl is in her string on the bed, that you kiss quietly… but she suddenly no more wants to make love.

Basically, it is when everything seems to go well for both of you… but that at the time of moving up a gear: the girl finally don’t want to. Like if she had suddenly changed her mind. But is that really the case? Except if you are a terribly bad kisser, there is no reason. If you suspect that this may be the case for you, please read The awesome lover’s manual.

I think it is most often a kind of anxiety that can also feel every human during a bedtime… especially when it’s with someone new. Girls are more victim of it and it is easily understandable when one knows how they are strong to take a headache and ruin their lives because of details (like the fact that their pubic is not shaven for the occasion).

The difference between a girl who makes a resistance and a girl who really does not want to fuck us is that: the girl who “just” resistant is hot like fire but cannot help to play it “fierce.” She is totally wet but doesn’t want to sleep. While the one who really does not want to fuck is really blocked, says “no” several times, etc.


B/ How to react

If you arrived at this point: first of all, congratulations! Let’s not forget that you’ve all the same met an unknown girl, you talked to her, and you made her want to be in a bed with you. But how can do you go through when she makes a LMR?

First, we have no choice. And even if it is frustrating, we must stop our attacks to open a dialogue. You have to see where she blocks and why. In any case, we must stay within a committed relationship, it’s not about raping anyone! PUAs are modern gentlemen !!!

I sometimes encountered this kind of blocking, but fortunately it does not happen every time. So, sometimes it is surmountable but sometimes not. However, be aware that if you arrive at the preliminary stage, but that this anxiety is triggered and that nothing happens after with the woman, she may stay with a negative image associated with you, which could cut her any will to see you again. Once, I enjoyed making an LMR to a girl, just for fun. But she took it badly, she was upset and she never answered me on the phone after that.

Most often, the reasons that we can hear are in general:
“I think we’re going too fast.”
“I do not have enough time free time today.”
“I’m not a girl like that.”
“I do not know you well enough.”
“Not on the first night.”
“I have my periods.” (sometimes it’s true but it is also often a fake… with that said, you should know that sometimes they agree to do it anyway under the shower or with a towel under the buttocks)
“I am not shaved.”
“My place is a mess so I do not want you come over. ”
“I cannot, it’s complicated, I cannot tell you but it’s not you it’s me.”
“I’m still thinking about my ex, I’m not into it.”
“I want to remain a virgin until marriage.” (let’s respect that)
“Why me and not another girl?”
“What that tells me you’re going to call me back after? ”

At first I tried to argue, to demonstrate calmly and thoughtfully how this type of reaction is absurd. But they have rarely admitted.

In fact, you should know that they do not always give the real reasons that are blocking them. Because it is a reaction partly unconscious: they may not even understand what is happening in them. Evolutionary psychology also comes into play: their instinct warns them against the risks of STD, childbirth, etc.

Blocking can sometimes unblock if she is enough turned on, if her logic gives way to emotion. For this, as soon as she says stop : take a minute of rest, argue and work on her again. It can work if she really wants you and if that was really the fault of the principle “I don’t fuck on the first date”. However, in some people, the rational mind is stronger than the emotional mind and it is very difficult for them to let it go… especially with a stranger.

Another good solution is to reassure her and to try again later. If it is really because she is not shaved that she doesn’t want to have sex, we can tell her that we don’t give a shit of this detail and that it’s the whole of her we want. It could unlock her! Warning: women can balk and become cold during the dialogue.

The third good idea is my favorite, it’s a mix of the two first ones. It is the one I talk about in The (inconvenient) truth about gender relations : a verbal reassurance to help her control her blocks but we warm her with our hands, to see how she reacts.

Some coaches recommend trying a “naked man” in case of LMR, but I have never tried it in such a situation (I bet them either). The closest situation that happened to me: I was on my bed kissing the breasts of an American who did not want sleep with me under the pretext that she had a boyfriend in the United States. We both were in underwear and I removed my pants : as soon as I took her hand to put it on my cock : she gave me handjob. Then I convinced her to let me lick her ( “it is not binding, if you don’t like it please say stop and I will stop”. She then begged me “I so much want your dick into me” with her very cute accent.

There’s finally the solution that is to ignore the girl when she is too indecisive : it can work. It is called “the fridge.” So if it is more like a whim than anything else, that she is just playing to drive you crazy, play it like a bitch too. She could reflect on the fact that she is messing around and losing you and then she could very well change her mind. Or she can leave your place… she’s free! I draw your attention to the importance of wisely decipher what the girl communicates. If she said no, but she stays half-naked in front of you : it ss a game for her. If she rejects you clearly, this is not a code to say “I love you please still try to fuck me with strength.”

That said, I met one like that. I went to her, place we kissed and everything but I have not fucked her. She did not want. She texted me once I left, she said, “I would have liked that you force me.” Well yeah, but…

Last paragraph: what to do if nothing works and that “no means no”? Sulking or insulting her : bad ideas! It would definitely prevent you from seeing her again later. It is better to play the gentleman and to tell her the truth: that you are disappointed but hey, that’s life, and that if she changes her mind later, you will be very happy because you think you both have missed something. You should know that there are girls who purposely push us like that to see our true nature: it can be a test!


C/ Take precautions

To avoid such problems, I suggest you to talk upstream of the fact that you will fuck if you go home. Do not hide your intentions! Tell her how much she turns you on, that she is very sexy. Once home, if she is hesitant, ask if the desire is mutual. It can be just shyness, her little hesitation …

Also create some comfort during the date and make her not feel guilty. Explain the fact that you will not judge as a “slut” if she sleeps with you. Make her comfortable with that! It is for you to do this job because they have a social mask to take care of, which is not really our case.

Finally, it may help to make your apartment a not disgusting place, a place where you feel comfortable…

I think I have taken a feather out of my cap : if a woman feels anxious or unsure about the idea of ​​making love, how in this context, making love with her could be a good thing, and not a incentive for abuse? Simply because, in such a situation, this woman really want to make love with you. At this stage, she feels she wants to make love with you, but she wonders if she should do it. It is torture, she is afraid of regretting or feeling “dirty” after. Many men do not understand that today girls possess their own bodies and have as much than men the right to have fun. Many women have not understood it very well either, by the way.


Part 2: Rape

Under French law, rape is a sexual assault involving, according to article 222-23 of the Penal Code, “any act of sexual penetration, whatever its nature, committed against another person by violence, constraint, threat or surprise.”

So: clearly show your intentions (but no sexual harassment nor needy either: you have to work a little on your game and acquire tact). Do not force her in any way and be very careful: the goal is not to insist until she gives up, but to do not foolishly give up before she gave a clear answer.

To illustrate the shit it is to manage a LMR, I’ll tell you another story. A girl I had picked up in the street had come to a date. I spoke to her about sex for a while and, despite that, she was “OK” to come and eat at my house. We talked and played cards for hours before I kiss her on the neck. She said “stop” when my hand started to go down on her crotch. So: I stopped. And then she said, ” stop it because you are fucking making me want to have sex with you but I have not shaved my pussy and I’m not a girl like that so we’ll meet again next week to have sex.” Admit that the concept is stupid: she was dying but felt compelled to frustrate both of us… And nobody forced her to say that. So: I insisted, ready to stop if she asked me to one more time… but she finally agreed that I caress her breasts and fingers her. From there, we fucked several times in a row. By leaving, she thanked me for insisting (her blocking was an avoidance strategy because she had few experience in bed), congratulated me for the good fuck and we have met again the next week with great pleasure.

The confusion between rape and LMR is that women send a lot of mixed messages. Sorry, politically correct people, but “no” does not always mean “no.” It depends on how it’s said. If one does not speak the ‘girls’ language and never had any “feedback” after shots: indeed, one might think that they did not want and that we a little forced them. But the truth is that they had wanted us to do that, and they are most of the time grateful because we insisted because : relieved them of a weight.

Another example: some chicks when I lick them and they approach orgasm, tell me “stop”… but do not think for a second and would be disappointing if I did. I know it for sure because it is a fairly common event and they tell me “thank you” after. They admit to me on the pillow they were just afraid to let it go, at the time, that’s all. When they are in a situation which gives them strong emotions, women do not always say what they really think. We either, for that matter. But we do more, all the same!

However, be aware that in France, rape is a social phenomenon quite common: 75 000 cases per year, or 1 per 1000 inhabitants. It’s sad, but just around me, I know 4 or 5 cases. Some were raped by members of their families, others under GHB by several guys. And stay a big trauma. Some now make anxiety attacks, others are disgusted of sex, others still love sex but feel guilty, I also know some who by now have great difficulty in trusting someone, and some lucky girls for who fortunately nothing changed…

It is unacceptable to say that they unconsciously wanted it because they were dressed sexy, or because they were walking alone at night. Damn we are not savages !!! These damn rapists should more  read my blog, they would be less frustrated as they would be more successful and everyone would have fewer problems.

Some rapists claim that it does not count because she “loved it” but it is wrong to believe that :
– A woman who said “no” think “yes” (it depends on how it is said);
– Violence is sexually exciting for women (a little spanking during doggystyle why not but for the rest you have to ask permission for it to be respectful);
– The victim could have resisted if she really did not consent (bad faith).

It is there that stops the concept of LMR: if the girl firmly says “no”, we stop. And let’s discuss with her calmly. We will only penetrate into her if she finally says “yes” or if she starts jumping on our cock by herself (basically she has to come back to us by herself to show us that she still has desire for us even though it may seem obvious: it’s such a delicate position, we must be careful).

On the other hand, attention, sometimes women falsely accuse men of rape. I’m not saying that it is often, but it can happen. Some have made a lot of money like that through fraudulent trial. It’s disgusting to talk about this but be aware that it exists. So, prevention is better than cure, prevent this kind of situation!

In summary, to do well, she must feel that she can leave at any time; do not put her too much under pressure. The frame must be clear: she is free, she is not forced and we do not withdrawn “sex” to a woman, we are two when we do it !!


My conclusion

It’s better to miss a shot than being accused of rape, let’s be realistic. But women must also understand it and not call us “small dick” if we do not always insists when they yell their internal torture “but I feel like I’m not like that” or “I love that one forces me but I say it only when you’re gone.”