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The power of implicit acceptation

The power of implicit acceptationThe goal:

For the unconscious, the failure to challenge something is equivalent to the fact of accepting it. Thanks to the extremely simple technique of the no contest, you’ll be able to establish good frames (underlying meaning of things in your interactions). Girls will thus validate you despite themselves!


The realization:

There are two main ways to do this:
– The excuse: it is for example when using humor to say a sentence that would not be accepted without;
– Withdrawal: by canceling the BPD element immediately we avoid it is challenged… but the brain of the target will imagine it all the same.

If that sounds complicated, wait for the examples.


The examples :

1/ “We could go home, I could mass you to relax you”

If the girl is enthusiastic, go straight to the FC. On the other hand, if it looks like she wants to resist: withdraw your proposal.

“Oh no wait, because you look very tense, I do not think I have enough massage oil.”

The girl had not enough time to challenge it, but her imagination will be sought and the idea will make way into her mind. She will now not see you in the same way, she will see you as someone more sexual.


2/ “You’ll be my new girlfriend if you keep smiling like that…”

Here, because there is no direct invitation, you can use the push and pull. It’s free but it will increase your value.

“Oh no, but you love Tarantino’s movies, sorry, we’ll have to break up.”

Thus: she had no time to challenge the fact she will be your girlfriend, and in addition, you establish the frame that you choose.

You communicate a lot implicitly by doing that.


3 / “Phew, my sex is too tough, I’m sick of seeing the girls I fuck fainted with pleasure because they have no strength anymore after 50 orgasms.”

Here is an example of excuse : you use humor for the message to be listened and not sounding ridiculous (otherwise it would be bragging).

And then you will cancel the phrase “hey don’t be shocked, I was just kidding” or “hey smile, do play the tight-ass!” Nevertheless, the idea will grew in her unconscious and she has imagined you as a good lover yet.


4 / “Hey, stop staring at my ass! You want to take pictures, right? I assign the broadcasting rights for 500 € per month if you want.”

By accusing the girl of having a dirty mind, you make her think about these things: you actually puts her dirty thoughts in mind! You lead her to the her dark side… that’s the strength of this kind of jokes.

Finally, remember that you need to do that by being more or less subtle (don’t look like a big asshole) and by saying things in a credible way. I mean that you cannot possibly tease or play the sex god with a trembling voice, while looking at your feet or by being too vulgar…

Good luck !

How to sexualize your conversations with unknown women ?

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