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What is body language ?

Learn how to talk without using your mouth

Body language refers to various forms of non-verbal communication, wherein a person may reveal clues as to some unspoken intentions or feelings through their physical behaviour. These behaviours can include body posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. It is often as simple as “I have an erection” means ” I am sexually excited”. It is so basic that animals use body language as their main communication mechanism too.

Body language is typically a subconscious behaviour, difficult to control, just like you can with difficulty control the blood influx in your penis. So, body language may provide reliable clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate excitement, aggression, attentiveness, boredom or a relaxed state, pleasure, amusement…

Body language is significant to communication and interpersonal relations. It is, of course, relevant to management and leadership in business and also in places where it can be observed by many people. Although body language is non-verbal or non-spoken, it can reveal much about your feelings and meaning to others and how others reveal their feelings toward you. It can also be relevant to some outside of the workplace. Body language signals happen on both a conscious and unconscious level (it short-circuits conscious barriers of women and allows you to do it doggy style with those whom you would not have seduced by just your physical appearance), which is commonly helpful in dating, mating… I guess this is why this ebook exists. It is a tool which will help you a lot to transmit your genes to a good wife.

In seduction, the alpha male is the king of the oil

It is an obvious fact that women are looking for exceptional men (for example : powerful and self-assured). In other words, they are looking for alpha males. Yet, by noticing the inclinations of mating traditions present in nature, we can determine what are the identical alpha male concepts. Fortunately, anyone can learn alpha male seduction attitudes to seduce ladies.

And by “seducing ladies”, I mean “becoming more and more confident (that is to say more alpha)… for real and in various domains” (yes, it is possible) ! From now, adopt the attitude of an alpha male and you will naturally become an alpha male. Not a fake one.

Three parameters to work on in order to become an alpha male

Here is the main idea : mindsets and behaviours are linked (mindsets and appearance too).

What is body language ?

By adopting the state of mind detailed about in this book, you will naturally become an attractive man. Thanks to the famous psychological phenomenon called “association” (check Google if you don’t believe me), you are going to take a heck of a shortcut !

Extract from : How to sublimate your body language

How to sexualize your conversations with unknown women ?

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